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Green/Loppers Mulch: Eucalyptus ?

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Just got hold of a load of fresh Eucalyptus mulch from mulchnet. Do you think I'd need to wait awhile to get this composted down or can it be applied straight away. I've heard that Eucalyptus has a growth inhibiting substance and was wondering if this would set the soil /plants backwards ?

Nope, chuck it on. In the loads of posts from Fu about mulchnet mulch he's always suggested getting it on as soon as possible and never mentioned letting it compost first.
Off to get some tomorrow, myself, I hope. A couple of my garden beds have been suffering in the heat and we've finally used up the huge pile of mulch we had hanging around.
Why let it compost? The whole idea is that it composts on your soil and returns to the plants the organic compounds so that soil microbes break thoise compounds down into very available nutrients for your plants.

That is how nature works, so do the same concept but more intensively and away you go

The type of plant matters not, just never use composted mulches in your garden that's all
Research is showing no positives with dark or composted mulches no matter what entising name they have given to them.

Oh and thanks to the "Tree Amigos" for the ground up Norfolk the other day for a job
Smells fantastic lads!!!! Saw them chopping and mulching a tree and stopped by and sorted the price
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