Browse Forums DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair 1 Aug 22, 2006 1:48 am I used a metal snake to clear a clog in the toilet , now I have metal scuff marks on the porcelain (bottom of the bowl and drain hole) What abrasive can I use safely if any?
Thanx Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 5Jul 18, 2007 9:53 pm Yak_Chat Obviously not a curry eater Who needs jiff when you have indian food? Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 6Jul 18, 2007 11:04 pm This is a stand-out product...
It is advanced NANO technology. The most sophisticated product on the market. Get some, as it can be used for lots of bathroom cleaning tasks besides your problem here. You will need to empty the bowl by turning off the tap to the cistern and flushing. Then use some nano-scrub on a white nylon scourer pad. A bit of elbow grease and it should have sorted it, (without harshly abrading the porcelain surface). Ash. Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 10Jul 19, 2007 7:15 am royalblue Hmmm just noticed the date of the original query. Seems it was dug out of the past and here we are going on about it. D'oh! I don't care. I want to know if she got the scuffs marks off dammit!. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing she's got a scratched dunny! Spongebobill? You there? please tell us all is well with your loo. Please! Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 11Oct 27, 2007 11:10 am I thought he meant another scuff mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
na not really, although I was wondering "how does someone get shoe marks on a toilet?" Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 12Oct 27, 2007 2:11 pm Fu Manchu na not really, although I was wondering "how does someone get shoe marks on a toilet?" I wondered the same thing when the company I worked for moved & combined with 2 others. I walked into the loo one day, lifted the lid, and saw shoe prints around the porcelain lip...... A little puzzled, I worked out that the toe end was pointing towards the door, and the heel to the cistern. My first thought was someone had stashed certain 'magazines' in the false ceiling cavity (like what went on at the previous place) but this had no false ceiling. A few of the other guys also noted the marks, and when it came up in conversation one of the more culturally educated told us certain cultures 'squat' to use the loo, and find it hard to use a 'western toilet' so they simply squat on the bowl itself! Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 13Oct 27, 2007 9:00 pm Yep they sure do
I did a few months maintenance work in the Iranian Oil Embassy in London in the 80's - and it sure opened my eyes - but they often didn't even bother to lift the seat - so many a broken seat frames were replaced. a very yummy job - NOT !!!! Steve Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 14Oct 31, 2007 10:10 pm If the seat broke then they would have fallen and eaten.....
you know what comes next Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 15Apr 23, 2008 1:35 pm spongebobill I used a metal snake to clear a clog in the toilet , now I have metal scuff marks on the porcelain (bottom of the bowl and drain hole) What abrasive can I use safely if any? Thanx Did you all know that if you "accidently" break the bowl, some house hold insurance policys cover this. Note I said "accidently" Re: Getting rid of toilet scuff marks..Help? 16Apr 23, 2008 1:39 pm mmm....donuts Homer Simpson 1956- Links: Site Costs Ready Reckoner | H1 Addiction Medical Advice | Château TDL: The Backyard I’ve been prepping for winter myself, so here’s what I’ve found helpful. For staying cozy outside, patio heaters work well, but if you want a budget-friendly option,… 2 3009 "Losers" "humanity" "off time" "your" "top notch" "love symbol" Sounds like ponzo is done using other people's toilets 36 29012 |