Browse Forums Kitchen Corner 1 Jun 29, 2024 6:49 pm Hi there, I hope this forum is the right place to ask some kitchen renovation related questions. As a part of my university studies, I am doing a market research about kitchen and cabinetry products and I would like to ask anyone interested to fill in my survey. This survey is conducted by JISC which is ISO:27001 accredited, and all data is collected and processed securely, confidentially, and anonymously. link to survey: ... al-kitchen Thank you all for your help C. I recently went through a similar renovation and move scenario when updating our family home. We also swapped some rooms around and tackled a major… 2 15555 ask the surveyor for clarification would be the logical approach 1 21731 Please spare a moment to fill out this survey form for a project. You stand a chance to win a digital gift voucher. Legitimate… 0 3974 |