Browse Forums Real Estate 1 May 02, 2024 6:16 pm Hi, I need a caveat removal that I placed on a property in Melbourne during a separation, I live in NZ and cannot get to a Post Office to verify my ID (none outside of Australia) and there need to use an agent. Looking for the cheapest person possible, cheapest so far is $440 in legal fees which I think is expensive to compete a form and lodge it online, especially since he already has done all the verification to put the caveat on in the first place. Would appreciate suggestions of a cheaper agent, thanks in advance. Terry PM me your email. I have a build excavation calculator you can use based on your plans to double check what your builder is telling you. Cheers Simeon 1 12202 In my council in Vic, before even starting on the plans my builder asked me to engage the council about a tree on the footpath that was in the way for a driveway. They had… 5 1875 Anyone can do it. Its reinstatement has to be to council regulations though. No inspection required. Best to ask builder to include it. They will remove, repair,… 5 1795 |