Browse Forums General Discussion Re: Utility easement 7Mar 02, 2020 8:30 am You may need legal advice for this one. There are easements and then there are easements. Some are as innocuous as simply a pipe or drain running through someones property to a second that simply guarantee that the person allowing the pipe to run through it will allow that to continue and that whoever is benefitting from it on the second property can perform maintenance etc . There are others that are of a bigger nature like a Sydney Water main sewer running through a series of properties and you cannot build over it or near it without submitting engineering drawings and a few other requirements. Stewie Re: Utility easement 8Mar 03, 2020 4:51 pm I agree with the previous post. A friend of mine had a similar issue, and legal advice was the thing that helped a lot. Re: Utility easement 10Mar 14, 2020 7:57 pm Neighbour is set to install water pipes along right of carriageway without the consent of four landowners of four blocks the ROW crosses! The water utilities are being moved from a block he sold. So unnecessary. Any advice? |