Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Sep 04, 2008 3:58 pm Any tips on repacking piers? I have about four to do (a legacy from the previous owner who didn't want to pop out the bathroom tiles!). I have access to a jack but am interested in advice, anecdotal or experiential tales!!!! It will be done Re: Repack and reblock my piers and stumps 2Sep 06, 2008 11:47 pm i used to be a reblocker for many years (many moons ago!). are you talking about redoing the stumps under the floor or under the walls? if it's the floors it's a matter of jacking it up slightly then packing the gap with cement sheeting or other timber cut to bring to fill the gap. if it's under the walls, that's a lot more trickey! because when you change the level on one wall it effects adjorning floors/walls.
since you're doing the job yourself, just jack the floor or walls up a couple of millimeter and pack, then move to the next stump and do the same, continually checking the level to get best compromise. expect that the tiling will need to be redone in some places. Old Home Restoration / Renovation I cannot find a review for the Reblocker I am getting a quote from. Am I doing something wrong, or are numbers of reblockers who hold VBA registration not reviewed on your… 0 14632 Are they stumps or screw piles ? How much fill is there, is the site a class "P" ? A "H2" site is not supposed to have stumps it is supposed to have grid beams according… 1 13386 Hi there, just looking for advice for insulation under subfloor for houses on stumps between joists. This is for under the… 0 1970 |