When I first had my work injury it was sh...t at home every day.
One day I got a knock at front door was a guy in his 30s and just out of site a young blond lady in her may be 18 years old he said he had some papers for me to sign from a lawyer. I knew there was no lawyer my lawyer i knew it was a lie I asked him the name of the lawyer and details he couldn't tell me. I thought it was very strange he couldn't tell me who the lawyer was, at the time she would email me the information anyway if it was urgent she'd ring tell me to sign and return by email. so I knew this couple was stalking out the house to see if anyone would answer but also more see if they opened the front security door when they relized I was no push over and had a baseball bat in my other hand and I just showed my hand, off they went arguing between them self, had I opened the security door I don't know what the outcome would have been but not so great for the guy insting about these papers yet he didn't know who the lawyer was or he couldn't answer me. Yet a lot of people fall for those scams and end up In hospital from been assaulted from scum of people like this. I reported to the police they said they knew about them and trying to catch them, so instead of asking me which way they went they just thank will look into it.