Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Feb 10, 2010 4:10 pm We think we have pretty much chosen our builder but want to know what the next steps are just to make sure he has no prior complaints etc against his business. Not sure where abouts to look... Fair Trading??? We were also going to take at look at prior extensions he has done plus get a few references from past clients. Is this enough??? I'd hate to chose him then find out he is d*dgy! Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 2Feb 12, 2010 8:21 pm Anyone??? ![]() Don't tell me none of you did checks on your builder? Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 3Feb 12, 2010 10:14 pm We are building in qld, so we did licence checks with the bsa (building services authority) which told us if the builder was financial and if they had any complaints against them. We also had a look at other houses they had under constuction at the time. Cheers Lou 07-10-09 omg they have cut the block 14-05-10 we finally have the keys Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 4Feb 12, 2010 10:23 pm My hubby is in the construction industry so are going with one of the builders he does work for so we didn't do any of the normal checks, but if that wasn't the case I would do what Lou has done, good luck ____________________________ Bec ____________________________ Building our Balinese Resort Inspired Dream Home Blog ~ Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 5Feb 12, 2010 11:17 pm Hi, I am a builder. Call office of fair trading and they will put you on the right track. I believe that they will only advertise if the builder has any decision in the office of fair trading go against him and he has not obeyed those decisions. Your best bet and what i do is take my potential clients to past homes I have completed and let them talk to as many previous clients as they want. If they have nothing to hide then this should not be a problem. As soon as they umm and urr then walk or run away. Hope this has been helpful. Anthony Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 6Feb 13, 2010 2:27 pm ask your builder how much experience they have. If his with a company you can check with them, if his sole-proprietor you might be able to ask around the new property market to see if he has worked on any of them. Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 7Feb 19, 2010 7:31 am Is he a part of the BBB? If so, check out his ratings. You can also ask for certificate of insurance to make sure that he is insured.
Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 8Feb 21, 2010 2:50 pm Hi, Here is the NSW Fair Trading site, all you need is the builders license number. ... check.html Like the others have said, ask for references, and see work in progress. You can also do an ASIC search You can order a credit report on the company also with Dunn & Bradstreet Also there is the HIA and MBA Bel ![]() Still not in. Don't ask!? Re: Close to choosing our builder... what do I need to check? 9Feb 21, 2010 4:37 pm And one more - this is another link that I use (more and more ![]() When searching, select "this phrase" under Find and then just type your keyword (eg. builder's name). You can then group the results as you wish. I love this one because it's factual and it gives you (almost) the whole story. My signature is distracting people from my wise posts ... So just had a closer look and ran my finger down the frame on the right. It starts off more pushed in and towards the centre… 2 11499 Thanks for the reply. Had a look at the suggested lot and found other problem on easement, which i will asked in separate thread. 2 30595 I am trying to find lighting for kitchen, dining areas but looking online, I don’t know if there are specific details I should be looking at to make sure any lights I… 0 33557 ![]() |