I am sick of seeing boxy houses without eaves! Arrrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!
And over the top boxy modern facades... with pointy angles...
Yeah, the pointy angles...me too me too

Browse Forums General Discussion Re: What are you sick of seeing? 22Dec 09, 2009 8:30 am This is a great thread, very interesting, thanks EKT for a great read. ![]() Building Thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=13002 Site start: 8th July 2009 Handover: 11/12/2009! 5 months total build time. 40 sqs of luxuary...Bliss! Re: What are you sick of seeing? 23Dec 09, 2009 8:34 am not sure what pointy angles mean? Is it an ES thing? As for mc gardens. i'm not too excited by all the spiky plants (Cordylines and various yucca type plants) i see a lot of but everyone to their own. Black mulch is great for selling a house but not so great for the poor plants so i wouldn't want to put it on my own garden if I was planning on staying there. . It's a matter of seeing variety that's the biggest concern. But then we are all to one extent or another sometimes caught up with trends, fashion ideas. Even if it's just because something gets shown a lot in displays,magazines etc a few people think"wow" and add it to their favourite ideas and the trend grows. It's nice to see variety in house styles, designs, gardens, colours. Not lots of the same boxes filled with the same ticky tacky ( tv show reference here) and all looking the same on the outside in a row. Don't get me wrong as I know I'm as guilt as the next person of doing this with some things. Most know I like rhoeos and I plan on having some of them and some dieties but otherwise our garden will not have anything much in the spiky /standard garden look. so ![]() I really wanted cedar type gables and a wooden cedar type garage door but I only liked the real wood ones then found out about maintenance for them and worked out that our house didn't suit gables. ( we got the builders to try a variation with them and it looked silly and would only have looked ok with a completely different roof style which would have been $$$$$$)) In the end we didn't do either and I'm kind of glad because I've seen them so much in recently built houses it's good not to be part of the crowd. ( so I tell myself. Still think they are nice though) I think they will certainly be one of those "date the house" items like stack stone. Love a splash of a different colour in a kitchen, bathroom. doesn't have to be red. ( We've/I've gone red bits and pieces for our kitchen. Its a black kitchen so I liked the idea of dramatic red bits for a few items like tea towels, pot mitts, cutting board and our stove kettle which we already had. DH just shakes his head as he doesn't get it) Blog http://wherethehearthis.blogspot.com/ Build https://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?t=6634: Yard https://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27687&p=378401#p378401 Re: What are you sick of seeing? 24Dec 09, 2009 8:39 am Great thread! Ok, here's my list...sorry, not all to do with houses Houses without eaves, its just wrong Plastic bags at landfills Chewing gum on the footpath - just swallow it! Low voltage downlighters Concrete driveways Hmm, I better stop now... Re: What are you sick of seeing? 25Dec 09, 2009 8:44 am I'm sick of seeing colorbond colours as render colours. On the individual house it looks fine..... but when you drive down the street in a new estate with covenants to have render....... the whole street has the same pallette of a handful of colours. ![]() But in saying that, my render is not a colorbond colour and looks ****. ![]() ![]() ![]() I am over a lot of things.... including things in my house. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I leave you to fend for yourself, figure things out yourself. Terrence Malick Re: What are you sick of seeing? 26Dec 09, 2009 8:56 am ![]() Great thread! Ok, here's my list...sorry, not all to do with houses Houses without eaves, its just wrong Plastic bags at landfills Chewing gum on the footpath - just swallow it! Low voltage downlighters Concrete driveways Hmm, I better stop now... ![]() This should be in the Rants section, but I'll add people putting out their fags on the footpath ![]() Ummmm, what kind of driveway would you have other than concrete ![]() ![]() Re: What are you sick of seeing? 27Dec 09, 2009 9:05 am Red (as in front door, couch) - in my house. Plain, boring, not a lot of colour - (as in white walls, charcoal carpets, stone grey tiles, charcoal kitchen) - in my house. No eaves - yes. Boxy design - yes. Yuccas - yes. And I wouldn't change it. ![]() But wouldn't have: beige, cream, wooden furniture, shiny tiles, shiny accessories (as in vases, pots, etc), cornices, vertical blinds, don't like any granite, "C" kitchen handles, feature walls, artificial plants, fridge spaces, ducted heating - I'll stop here ![]() I wouldn't think of being rude to anyone that has these things in their house though. Re: What are you sick of seeing? 28Dec 09, 2009 9:07 am Oops, looks like we are guilty of a majority of these things ![]() ![]() Thing is, you can have something different and original, but then everyone drives by, likes it, copies it and it becomes a trend anyway, so you can never win, unless your style is way out there and no one wants to copy it lol. Re: What are you sick of seeing? 29Dec 09, 2009 9:52 am ![]() ![]() Folding stacker doors. I think when people realise how inconvenient they are they might quickly become old hat Do you mean bifolds? Why are they inconvenient? ![]() I obviously lived a very sheltered life. Totally missed seeing anything purple during the 80s, and round columns....? Or maybe I just live in a very un-trendy part of town. ![]() ![]() Me, I'm sick of front gardens with zero imagination. If you're not having lawn, people, then don't make a pseudo-lawn out of a big rectangle of mulch. It looks crap. ![]() Fingers get caught in them, they wear, and everytime you want to open a door its a major pain. My biggest beef is you cant put security screens on them so in summer unless you like flies Re: What are you sick of seeing? 30Dec 09, 2009 10:35 am ![]() But wouldn't have: beige, cream, wooden furniture, shiny tiles, shiny accessories (as in vases, pots, etc), cornices, vertical blinds, don't like any granite, "C" kitchen handles, feature walls, artificial plants, fridge spaces, ducted heating - I'll stop here ![]() I wouldn't think of being rude to anyone that has these things in their house though. hehehe, well, my house has beige, cream,wooden furniture, cornices, vertical blinds, fridge space, C kitchen handles and ducted heating - in fact nearly everything on mek's list ![]() ![]() Again, not trying to be rude but I think it is fair to say, from other posts, that mek and I have VERY different tastes - mek, you like everything modern and straight lines and minimilist colour? - whereas I love traditional cottage styles - my house has a bullnose verandah with cream aluminium lace, for heavens sake ![]() Just as well we dont have to live together, isnt it ![]() Although we do have one thing in common - at least we both dislike artificial plants ![]() ![]() OK...the grammar Nazi has come out...may have to join that Facebook page. I am sick of seeing tiny print at the bottom of posts - even with my glasses on I cant read it - and then I think Im missing some important punch line ![]() ![]() ![]() Re: What are you sick of seeing? 31Dec 09, 2009 10:59 am This is a fantastic thread! I've got quite a few of these in my house but aren't offended in the slightest, just a bit chuckle worthy to embrace your inner tackiness ![]() Please don't take any offense to my list, I'm a guy who hasn't a clue about taste and I'm just winging it with my place ![]()
Wood anything that isn't maintained High front fences unless they're a really nice masonry Covenants which say they like variety but are so strict that they result in clones. Front gardens that replace grass with white stone but add no features (i.e. plants) Stained timber decking on the porch. They look great but decking seems to be the new black right now and I think a lot of it won't be maintained. I think some things like eaves are things that we grew up with and just figured was standard but everything seems to be an upgrade! I actually don't mind it if you can date a house as long as it's been well maintained, there is a sortof charm in it. Re: What are you sick of seeing? 32Dec 09, 2009 11:10 am I pretty much agree with every item that has been brought up here already (especially no eaves, red, downlights ... but that's just me, I'm a non-conformist). Also ... - the use of the same vanilla cream or heritage green colourbond fences in an entire housing estate - new houses built side by side jammed against each other. - battle-axe blocks in established suburbs (noooooo) - cars parked on front lawns - cheap floating laminate floors Display home specific - couches in living areas arranged in such a way that makes watching TV physically impossible, but creates the illusion of a big open space. - small uninviting dining spaces - over-the-top garden and front-yard lighting - cheap floating laminate floors - useless and meaningless ornaments placed in lit feature wall niches - ultra modern and completely impractical bath spouts and shower heads - did I say cheap floating laminate floors ![]() I'll stop there before It gets messy. Re: What are you sick of seeing? 33Dec 09, 2009 11:13 am Concrete driveways didn't get a mention JilaMint ![]() Where you are coming from is where you are going to... Re: What are you sick of seeing? 34Dec 09, 2009 11:25 am ![]() - useless and meaningless ornaments placed in lit feature wall niches Im with you on this one. I just dont get it. I also hate the mass produced abstract canvas art I'm seeing in places like Harvey Norman and, God forbid... $2 stores. Re: What are you sick of seeing? 35Dec 09, 2009 11:37 am Ummm I think the OP was after idea's for internal decoration ![]() Hi all, we are about to go shopping for our furniture and general homewares etc and I'm just wanting to get some feedback (and I'm also curious to what people think). What does everyone think has just been done to death? Obviously everyone will have a different opinion and hopefully no one gets offended. Personally I'm sick of seeing red but my hubby loves that look. I wouldnt mind a splash of purple but maybe thats a bit 80's.... 'A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.' Louis Pasteur Vegie garden: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27637&start=0 My Backyard Adventure Re: What are you sick of seeing? 36Dec 09, 2009 11:39 am ![]() ![]() OK...the grammar Nazi has come out...may have to join that Facebook page. I am sick of seeing tiny print at the bottom of posts - even with my glasses on I cant read it - and then I think Im missing some important punch line ![]() ![]() Sorry... mmm....donuts Homer Simpson 1956- Links: Site Costs Ready Reckoner | H1 Addiction Medical Advice | Château TDL: The Backyard Re: What are you sick of seeing? 37Dec 09, 2009 12:01 pm Red everything. Eg. red cushions, curtains, bed linen, red kitchen accessories (containers, tea towels, any plasticware), red, bathmats, red towels, red hand wash, red, red, red. Not everything has to match! Re: What are you sick of seeing? 38Dec 09, 2009 12:22 pm ![]() Display home specific - couches in living areas arranged in such a way that makes watching TV physically impossible, but creates the illusion of a big open space. Doubly agree with this one. I've just had a look at the website. The company are just building broker's. There are plenty of similar companies that basically draw your plans (they own them so you… 8 31623 ![]() This is the current bathroom with a european laundry. Overall internal dimensions are 3.69 wide and 3.65m deep, including the footprint of the laundry. There is a toilet… 0 32236 If you want to extend the life of your Colorbond roof, painting it with a quality metal roof paint or applying a rust… 5 42226 ![]() |