Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Oct 13, 2009 11:10 am We are currently trying to co-ordinate a kitchen and bathroom renovation. The bathroom renovation was supposed to be started and finished this week... and obviously this hasn't happened. The first problem we are having is tradesman actually keeping appointments. They will say 'sure sure, can come quote at xyz day and time' and then they don't show up. So we will call them back to reschedule and they make a new time and just don't show up. My husband and I both work full-time in professional jobs and are having to take time off work to sit around waiting for people to show up in the daytime. We're running out of people to call! The other issue we have is that when they do come to quote, they say 'give me your email address and I'll send it to you' and two weeks later they STILL haven't sent the quote. LKFJLDKJFLKDJF We also had a carpenter tell us that it would take THREE DAYS to rewall a tiny 2x2 metre bathroom. JUST to put up the walls. Three whole days. Surely this is a massive over estimation?? I'm just really frustrated and don't know what else to do. We really need to get these finalised by Christmas and it's just dragging on and on and on. Re: Feeling so frustrated with tradesmen and getting quotes 2Oct 13, 2009 11:30 am I hear your frustration. I have had a lot of the same issues trying to get various things done after building. Thankfully the concreter was recommended and he's very reliable. But the rest are terrible and I have been waiting since July for the fencers to turn up and they have taken my deposit!! Anyway, try a website like this one: The tradies will contact you. I have found this to be more successful and I had that many air conditioning installers contact me recently that I had to take names and numbers in the end ![]() Blog: "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, and professionals built the Titanic." Re: Feeling so frustrated with tradesmen and getting quotes 3Oct 13, 2009 12:41 pm I had the same problem trying to get a simple quote for a simple fence! "yeah sure Ill email you" - never hear back from them again! drive me bloody bananas! Re: Feeling so frustrated with tradesmen and getting quotes 4Oct 14, 2009 8:23 am Same here. I've had the complete run around with fencers, electricians and builders. In the end the ONLY success I've had is from personal recommendations. No other method has worked. When I finally found a good builder I complained to him about not being able to find an electrician. He then rang an electrician he knew, told him that I'd been "mucked around" and to help me out. The result was an excellent job by the electricians who always took my calls and attended to all the details I requested ! It may be that you need to get a reputation among trades as someone "serious". I know from my own business how frustrating it is to do quote after quote and then hear that they were only "considering" getting work done or getting "a feel for the market". If that's all they wanted I could have just given an "indicative quote" rather than wasting my time on all the detail. And the very worst clients of all are government departments - but that's another story ! Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves. - Dale Carnegie Re: Feeling so frustrated with tradesmen and getting quotes 5Oct 14, 2009 10:24 am OMG i am so hearing you all here. We have just moved into our house last Thursday and i have a number of jobs that need doing and am still walking around in circles waiting for tradies to turn up. Had one buy organized to put our box style Air Con into through the main bedroom brick wall, he came and had a look, said he could do it 2 weeks ago. This was good because i wanted it done before we had the new carpet go in, well guess what, carpet has been done and still no Air Con. We waited for him to come all day one day and the ******* never showed. Why are people like this? I thought that with the way things are at the moment, no work etc they would be jumping at the chance to get some work. I also rang up yesterday about having a linen cupboard put in and the guy said yep no problem i will be there today to have a look, well i am still waiting for him as well. Well i just rang him and his excuse was that he was out on the farm and he wrote my details on a piece of wood that was ****** around and he could not find it to ring me and tell me that he could not come. I have heard all of the excuses under the sun now. I am getting so cranky with all of this because hubby comes home from work each day and says when is this and when is that going to be done and each day i do not have an answer for him. Grrrrrrrrrrrr Re: Feeling so frustrated with tradesmen and getting quotes 6Oct 14, 2009 2:23 pm and further to my above post.... at 7:30AM this morning (hello... this is TOO DAMN EARLY!!) I had a fence guy ring me "hey love.. just found your number here..wondering if you still need a fence" this is from someone I spoke with about a month ago - possibly more ! No you knobhead - Ive sorted someone out now ! makes me mad when I see stories in the media about idiot tradies complaining they have no work. Well try responding to web enquiries or follow up sales calls and you might actually get some work ! And if you dont intend to respond to web based enquiries - DONT put a contact form on your website ! I’ve been prepping for winter myself, so here’s what I’ve found helpful. For staying cozy outside, patio heaters work well, but if you want a budget-friendly option,… 2 14299 Hi all, My concrete tile roof (pictured here: over the last 5 years has gotten to the point it needs a clean. Unsure why previous owner… 0 10358 It sounds like you’ve done some thorough troubleshooting! If the water isn’t passing through the valve even with the filter removed, it’s likely that the aquastop… 2 10688 ![]() |