Just a quick question about a late settlement of a property.
Just the quick facts
1. we sold our block of land.
2.Settlement date was supposed to be 15th July
3. They needed more time to complete.
What i would like to know if anyone has had any experience with this. We agreed to give them 7 days without any penalties ( i know but with this saga of trying to build etc i reckon i must have broken a 100 mirrors and just want some good karma to come back sometime

Here is what is written in our contracts
It is agreed any amount payable to the vendor under this clause shall be paid on completion.
This is how i read it.
Price 238000
Depoist 23000
Balance 215000
10% of 215000 is $21500 per day
Is this correct it seems a bit high?
Also would like to hear about your delay of settlement and experiences.
Thank you
ps If in the wrong section please move it