Browse Forums General Discussion Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 3Aug 03, 2009 7:02 pm ’’Quondo Omni Flunkus Mortati ’’ If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. Stila BK1 Build Thread The best place to talk about sport Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 4Aug 03, 2009 7:03 pm Where you are coming from is where you are going to... Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 6Aug 04, 2009 8:38 am One would assume he is a registered builder is he built your place and is planning on building on the vacant block. A registered builder with an unlimited license is able to carry out any work other than those that require certificate (electrical and plumming) unless he has a license in that area. The only time a builder must use registered trades is if they have a limited license or if they have a license under the project management category. I would approach council and ask for a copy of plumbing and electrical certificate and take it from there. Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 7Aug 04, 2009 4:22 pm Yes definately ask for the Plumbing works application permit from council and see what that says Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 9Aug 04, 2009 10:10 pm Minx i can without a doubt say he is not a registered builder.. He didn't build this house - * did.. but exactly how much they did and how much he has done once they finished up remains to be seen. I definitely will call the council and ask for those documents - i'm assuming its going to cost me but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 10Aug 04, 2009 11:42 pm The hot water system sounds pretty normal. Everyone I've ever seen (of gas storage) is on a concrete slab. When the pavers do the paving there is no way they will alter the height of the hot water system to suit the new lay of the soil level. They must be bracketed and they are not very fancy looking. It is common to see messy solders. Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 11Aug 10, 2009 9:03 am My inlaws bought a house, which was subject to an independant inspection. They discovered that the new bathroom did not have councill signoff, and no plumbing certificate, and the vendor was told they needed to be supplied or they would withdraw. They were eventually signed off, and the sale went ahead Adrian B Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 13Aug 11, 2009 9:46 pm ![]() i know it sounds ******* however i have seen large builders do the same thing. Exactly. Almost every house I've seen from my builder simply has a mound of dirt up against the wall, a concrete paver (450X450) on top and the hot water system sits on top of that. The HWS never seems to be supported very well but I guess when you fasten it to a wall it doesn't matter. Hell, most of these plumbers can't even line a toilet up straight. Re: Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs.. 14Aug 14, 2009 4:00 pm ![]() Hell, most of these plumbers can't even line a toilet up straight. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 0 23461 Hello, We have an area we want to turn into a greenhouse but it isn't a standard square or rectangle that we can buy a kit for. So instead we are looking at building one… 0 13893 In NSW, an owner builder is one whom has obtained an owner builder certificate a builds a house. Minor repairs such as these do not fall under the scope of an owner… 1 12272 |