Browse Forums General Discussion Re: 5 star energy rated homes 21Mar 15, 2009 8:57 pm Does anyone know how long it takes to get the 5 star rating back? i've been waiting several weeks now ![]() 'A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.' Louis Pasteur Vegie garden: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27637&start=0 My Backyard Adventure Re: 5 star energy rated homes 22Apr 23, 2009 11:45 pm I hope nobody minds if I take this opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. The main feature of the early environmentally friendly display homes was orientation. I remember when the compulsory ratings were introduced here they only applied to new developments because land that had already been released would not necessarily suit siting a house for best sun access. Orientation seems to be somewhat irrelevant in the newest display homes, which supposedly meet even stricter requirements. I've been wondering why the change. Disappointingly the reps on duty are unable to answer questions about what environmentally friendly features their houses have (beyond pointing to the unmissable rainwater tank). So I'm wondering what are the other main features, that apparently can even compensate for inadequacies in orientation? I'm guessing size of windows depending on which way they face is still important, double glazing, western shading, insulation, solar hot water . . . ? And anything really useful to avoid? Re: 5 star energy rated homes 23Apr 28, 2009 2:40 pm Lisanne I would give them a call it should only take them a week or two at the longest 10 years ago was a different software than we use now. it has had a lot of changes over the past years. Improvments to the software and changes to how Nathers models need… 8 17580 ![]() DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair Hi So the background story. My uncle was regularly using below 10kwh per day. Doesnt use high draw appliances or heating or cooling and the usage regularly spiking to 20… 0 10657 Hi there! Putting the feelers out there for those who have (or almost) built with Arli homes! Interested in your experiences who've built from their stock home designs… 0 97924 |