Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Nov 13, 2024 2:25 pm I bought my Clontarf house a month ago. My house has a slight negative grade from the street. It's believed that my drain pipes currently terminate into my backyard somewhere. A plumber has suggested running a charged system from the existing drain pipes to a tank in the front yard at the side, and then running the drain pipes, which will be fitted with leaf eaters, along the Colorbond fence to the street kerb adaptor. So the stormwater from the tank out the front would be gravity fed to the street. Would there be a problem with this as far as Council is concerned? Are there any instances where Council could force me to dismantle this type of drainage due to non-compliance? The plumber said Council only intervenes in stormwater if your stormwater affects neighbouring properties - otherwise it's a private matter. I asked the plumber about a Council compliance certificate but he said he wouldn't be asking for one and that his business is covered under QBCC warranty. The plumber would have to get council approval though to connect to the kerb adaptor, is that right? Would appreciate any advice on this. Hey andy8 Did you get a resolution to this? It's been a while since you posted this... I'm in a similar situation and doing a single to double storey conversion. 1. We… 1 11904 Get an independent building inspection done now. Once handover is done, if they didn't fix it beforehand its doubtful they ever will. Get someone independent from them,… 17 34731 ![]() We have had a couple of outdoor mains water pipe leaks due to tree roots pushing rocks into pipe. House was built in 1995 whoever built it just backfilled with rocks and… 0 6304 |