Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Jun 01, 2024 4:36 pm Hi there, I hope someone can give me some insight into a (very lucky) situation I'm dealing with. My Mum was gifted property by my grandfather after he passed. My uncle was also gifted property. The land that my mum was gifted was a double block near the beach in Victoria. My Uncle then subdivided it so it's now two separate properties due to mum's being worth more money. It's at the end of the process now and has taken about 2 years. My uncle then decided that he was going to give mum back his half of the spare block land so we (my brother and i) can build on it. But now that is has been subdivided and that mum is technically gaining property from my uncle she will have to pay stamp duty on the land. SO, my uncle and my mum will be transferring the land into my brother and i's name. He already has the money for the stamp duty but I am a single mother that's renting so I don't have any cash for the stamp duty outright. I have previously been approved for a home loan of 400k and I make about 5-5.2k per month. So my credit history and all of that is fine. My question is: Can I get the stamp duty from the bank to gain the property? Because then I will have 750-850k worth of land outright. I then want to build a modular home for myself and my daughter that comes to 150k. What will the bank say? Will the bank say yes knowing that I then have the land as collateral. Can I get JUST the stamp duty until I'm ready to build or do I get the whole thing at once? I am a little bit scared that everything has come down to me and I don't want to let anyone down but it has all just happened so fast. I will be getting the single parent 2% home loan and I speak with commonwealth regarding home loans so far. We already paid for somfy motors for the blinds. The quote above was purely for “pre-wiring” so the blinds company can install the motors and blinds. That’s why we… 5 46848 the exemption applies only to your principal place of residence - so you must live in it. The 200 days is continuous. You also have to apply for the exemption. 2 18711 |