Browse Forums General Discussion Re: Please help me understand sewage plan 2May 17, 2024 6:33 am firsthome_2020 You need to locate those 2 manholes ( the black circles) and run a string line between them They may be covered in dirt or plants but do some hunting and you will eventually find them. Architectural Homes & Duplexes - specialising in custom designing homes to your budget Get a Free Onsite Consultation Today or send a PM for information, questions or advice. Can you post your Architectural and Hydraulic plans so we can see how the system as a whole works? Without that no one will be able to give you any meaningful… 2 6960 This is a very tight fit, I'm not sure if you'll be able to achieve what you've described. Would you consider accessing the separate toilet from the laundry? If so maybe… 1 29521 we need accurate dimensions as well as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms needed etc to make specific suggestions but, based on estimated rooms sizes, it could be… 1 8483 |