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Modularwalls fence / retaining function & water leakage

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It's your neighbours job to deal with run off from their property.
If your neighbour’s actions have caused an unreasonable flow of water onto your property, causing damage to your real or personal property, that person may be liable to pay compensation for the loss and damage you have suffered.
They need to call their contractor back and have him finish the job
I agree with Althom but there also may be a problem with the terra cotta stormwater pipe discharging water in that areas as well. You can just see the top of the pipe at the surface.
Gap between fence and retaining wall - unsafe space

Landscape & Garden Design

get some pool noodles and then bark mulch over the top

Sound Proof Modular Fence recommendations

Outdoor Living

Hi We have a road close to our place and only an old flimsy wooden fence between us and the Neighbour closest to the road. Any ideas on a sound proof modular fence. Like…

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