Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Nov 02, 2008 9:23 pm Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has recently replaced guttering or knows approximate costing to do so? We will need to replace the gutters at the new place asap and are looking for general guestimates at the moment to work into the budget. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Tash Re: Guestimate on gutter cost anyone? 2Nov 03, 2008 12:20 pm No idea about cost,
But I suggest getting some quotes (at least 5) from gutter manufacturers; Take some photos of your existing house and draw a rough plan of your roof indicating lenghts of gutters and down pipe locations, and then ask them for a price. Pat. Re: Guestimate on gutter cost anyone? 4Nov 04, 2008 7:08 pm I'd be interested to know this too as we need to replace...or at least repair our guttering soon. Re: Guestimate on gutter cost anyone? 5Mar 26, 2009 12:02 pm Just bumping this up to see if anyone else has any insight. We have approx 50m of guttering to replace, including downpipes and are wanting to go with Colorbond. Just hoping to get some ideas on cost per m installed. Re: Guestimate on gutter cost anyone? 6Mar 26, 2009 1:09 pm Colorbond gutting last time I check was about $11 a metre... To remove and replace 50m of guttering, with some downpipes would take 2 blokes about 1/2 day... 1/2 day wages per bloke is around the $200 mark... So.... $11 x 50 plus 2 x $200 ~ $1000... Electrical Engineer... Don't hold that against me... And keen owner builder... Mainly the building part!! Re: Guestimate on gutter cost anyone? 7Jan 27, 2011 10:51 am FYI, i've just had been quoted $2850 and $2950 for the following: *replace 52m of guttering with colorbond *installation of 52m of colorbond fascia covers *trim down of patio roof and installation of guttering (another 12m or so) *removal of all old guttering/downpipes. The more expensive quote was a cash job, so I'm thinking i might as well go for the cheaper legit quote which comes with a certificate. if anyone has any thoughts/opinions i'd be interested in hearing them. Hi, Just wanting to get an idea of how much it may cost to replace 25m of gutter? Single story home. Thanks 0 4428 Thank you so much. We ended going with the terrain that’s part of our brick. 2 15033 My query is whether anyone has suggestions on if/how anything can be done with this setup. Forget the budget. 2 10285 |