Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Oct 27, 2023 8:35 am The worst thing you can do is sign a building contract without a pre contract review. Over the years many people have come to me with disputes where they just signed building contract thinking less than buying shoes, to their regret. Your pre contract review is your most important inspection, Why? Its because if you have signed off on a bad deal you are stuck. A lot can go wrong and it does. There are many independent inspectors mentioned on this forum but none offer a pre contract review? Why? Because they just dont have the top end qualifications and experience. As far as I know I am the only expert offering that service. Yes you can go to the lawyer and that is fine however it has limited benefits. Why? Usually they only know about the law. Have they inspected thousands of homes for pre purchase where they get to see how the house elements perform in time? Have they inspected thousands of homes during construction stages and learned from the experience, knowing problem hot spots? Have they dealt with thousands of building contracts, knowing hot spots for disputes? Have they dealt with hundreds of building disputes, knowing what to avoid? Have they managed building to instruct you and alert you to what to expect. Can they review drawings, critically looking at the design and levels, looking for hot spot problems? If you are in Victoria we can have one on one, otherwise via zoom or I can do a desktop review for you. Foremost Building Expert in Australia,assisting with building problems/disputes, building stage inspections,pre-contract review advice for peace of mind 200 blogs There are a lot of private inspectors should have stayed working as tradies!! Firstly, you paid for a professional opinion of the works, if he has picked up on an item he… 1 9502 Yeah, i guess we will see how it goes, but we will most likely be flicking them over - just hanging for it to be done, over the rental now haha! No problem, no stress if… 10 13365 it's difficult to make suggestions without accurate information as there are some inconsistencies in the dimensions as the length of the bedrooms is not equal to the… 3 11715 |