Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Sep 10, 2023 8:33 am Good morning everyone, Have a new house build about to finish soon and I was wondering if the builders already put drainage around the slab or foundation. Or is that something that a landscaper is supposed to do after the house is built? Looks like they graded the soil away from the slab a bit, but my concern is slab heave and also sitting water. The gardens are just going to be diy landscaping river stones with some pavers. I was planning on putting weedmat down and then putting the river stone , filling any uneven gound, then using a bit of rapidset under the pavers on the stone. Any help guys and I'd be very appreciated 🙏 Cheers, Frothy. Re: New house land/slab drainage? 5Sep 10, 2023 8:10 pm Why dont you have a look at your drawings, it should show drainage on site plan. Foremost Building Expert in Australia,assisting with building problems/disputes, building stage inspections,pre-contract review advice for peace of mind 200 blogs Re: New house land/slab drainage? 6Sep 11, 2023 11:03 am building-expert Why dont you have a look at your drawings, it should show drainage on site plan. Yeah I tried, it's got the downpipes but honestly it is a struggle for me to interpret the drawings. Is it common for the builder to install site drainage as they are responsible for the build? Cheers Re: New house land/slab drainage? 7Sep 11, 2023 11:54 am If the drainage is on the plan then the builder has to follow the plan Foremost Building Expert in Australia,assisting with building problems/disputes, building stage inspections,pre-contract review advice for peace of mind 200 blogs Re: New house land/slab drainage? 8Sep 11, 2023 12:28 pm building-expert If the drainage is on the plan then the builder has to follow the plan Okay thanks for that. I'll ask the building supervisor if they installed foundation drainage/aggie around the perimeter of the slab. Cheers mate 👍 Re: New house land/slab drainage? 10Sep 11, 2023 12:43 pm alexp79 They usually never put it on the plans per se, however, in the notes the plans usually say that builder has to provide drainage to the site if necessary. What type of soil you are on? Thanks for the reply. The soil is sandy, located in cranbourne, vic. I think it mentions grading of soil around the house , the builders only partially did that. The back corner has pooling water. My main concern is slab heave. The geofabric under the rock garden should be okay with drainage hopefully. Re: New house land/slab drainage? 11Sep 11, 2023 2:42 pm The powers that be changed the drainage provisions when it transitioned the NCC Part 2 2019 to the 2022 edition. If you send me an email address, I will send you both the 2019 and 2022 versions of the NCC Part 2. As far as the pooling goes, take dated photos. 3in1 Supadiverta. Rainwater Harvesting Best Practice using siphonic drainage. Cleaner Neater Smarter Cheaper Supa Gutter Pumper. A low cost, siphonic, eaves gutter overflow solution. Re: New house land/slab drainage? 12Sep 11, 2023 6:13 pm SaveH2O The powers that be changed the drainage provisions when it transitioned the NCC Part 2 2019 to the 2022 edition. If you send me an email address, I will send you both the 2019 and 2022 versions of the NCC Part 2. As far as the pooling goes, take dated photos. All good, got the new NCC 👌 thanks for the offer though. Got the building inspections reports with photos through the stages of the build so should be fine. Also mentioned in the report. Thanks for your input Re: New house land/slab drainage? 13Sep 13, 2023 7:03 pm Froth alexp79 They usually never put it on the plans per se, however, in the notes the plans usually say that builder has to provide drainage to the site if necessary. What type of soil you are on? Thanks for the reply. The soil is sandy, located in cranbourne, vic. I think it mentions grading of soil around the house , the builders only partially did that. The back corner has pooling water. My main concern is slab heave. The geofabric under the rock garden should be okay with drainage hopefully. Cranbourne has highly reactive soils as well and a history of cracked houses so I would be careful depending where you are in Cranbourne. Re: New house land/slab drainage? 14Sep 14, 2023 1:16 pm groundzero Froth alexp79 They usually never put it on the plans per se, however, in the notes the plans usually say that builder has to provide drainage to the site if necessary. What type of soil you are on? Thanks for the reply. The soil is sandy, located in cranbourne, vic. I think it mentions grading of soil around the house , the builders only partially did that. The back corner has pooling water. My main concern is slab heave. The geofabric under the rock garden should be okay with drainage hopefully. Cranbourne has highly reactive soils as well and a history of cracked houses so I would be careful depending where you are in Cranbourne. Thanks for the heads up mate, greatly appreciated 👍 Building Standards; Getting It Right! It's all good. You can get both wye piece and the coupling with or without thread. The cost difference is negligible and means the plumber only has to carry the single… 1 6593 Need more photos from around the house including your gutters. We have had 3 of the wettest years in a row for some time so that wouldn't be helping 3 8472 Hi there everyone i was hoping to get some details and some clarification on some potential defects that may have occurred our recent bathroom renovation. 1. There seems… 0 8519 |