Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Apr 29, 2023 4:03 pm Block of two storey townhouses requires painting on the roof. A brick parapet wall separates each unit and extends above the tiled roof. The parapet walls require sealing and /or painting with a flexible waterproof paint - probably Dulux AcraTex. What are the different methods used to work safely. We have looked at installing anchor points or scaffolding but what other options are there? I'd rather know what options are available then request quotes based on the method we choose Hi all Were excavators with augers for boring piers for homes commonplace in the 70s in Australia? We are on a hillside, concrete pier/foot ( could be a… 0 8257 I ended up refusing him to pay to fix HIS mistake. I paid money to fix just one ceiling, that too was overpriced but had no choice I shared my build story on another… 2 29039 DIY, Home Maintenance & Repair Did you mean brick mesh as in reinforcement? What was sticky back foam? Cheers 2 11961 |