Browse Forums General Discussion 1 Sep 12, 2021 6:16 pm In the quote, I have been charged $900 AUD for stepdown to garage by one of the Volume builder, is that must or is there any work around to avoid these charges. I built previously with very good builder and there was NO STEPDOWN to GARAGE was required. I’ve seen acrylic garage doors on a few houses around here, and they do look sleek, but I can’t imagine choosing them myself. Here in Phoenix, the heat can get… 4 18914 My garage door has started playing up recently. Sometimes (and getting more frequent) when I press the button to open it, it wont. The motor is an ATA GD0-6V3. Red and… 0 14793 Thankyou! As you can see it will need new structural replacement to hold the door, replastering, painting, new anchor plate. The Torsion bars are bent, The roller… 2 8789 |