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Building ForumTablet & Mobile

Mobile Site Q&A

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Bit of a tech question. I follow mainly the owner builder thread on this site and as of yesterday the format has changed on my tablet. Formerly the site layout was identical to that of my desk top but suddenly that has all changed and now the default view is that of "mobile" which I really dislike. I cannot work out how to make the default view as"desktop". I've tried changing it and then saving the bookmark but next time I log in it has changed back to mobile view. Any one know how I can permanently change it?
Just bookmark this
Bit of a tech question. I follow mainly the owner builder thread on this site and as of yesterday the format has changed on my tablet. Formerly the site layout was identical to that of my desk top but suddenly that has all changed and now the default view is that of "mobile" which I really dislike. I cannot work out how to make the default view as"desktop". I've tried changing it and then saving the bookmark but next time I log in it has changed back to mobile view. Any one know how I can permanently change it?

Though it is in your case, the mobile site is only intended for particular smart phones and not tablet devices.

Which tablet device are you using, if I may ask?

Great tip zeitgeber!

If anyone is using the mobile site and would like to provide some suggestions / recommendations please do so here.
Unfortunately that link doesn't work. It directs me to a homepage then I need to click on 'forum' and that comes up as the mobile format!
I am using a Samsung galaxy tablet. The mobile format on my tablet is not really practical. I cannot tell what are new or old posts. I might just have to get used to constantly changing from mobile to desktop format everytime I log in. A bit annoying.
Update: don't know what I have done differently but it seems it's reverted to how it always was - that is: logging in to the site, changing to desktop view from mobile view, bookmarking it et voila! It seems to be saving the settings.

This is the URL that is working for me:
Now to see if its still working tomorrow!
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