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Forum Freezing Issue [Resolved]

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I posted a thread about my problem this morning but don't know if it arrived or not - my "view posts since last visit" isn't working and if I go to the main index I can only access some threads to a certain point- when I click on a thread which the index says has a latest post of, say Thurs, 4:00, my computer only shows the last post made on Wed.
And the whole "coffee break" forum is frozen at Wed afternoon

so I cant see if my previous post about the problem got in or not, am trying again in here.

I posted a thread about my problem this morning but don't know if it arrived or not - my "view posts since last visit" isn't working and if I go to the main index I can only access some threads to a certain point- when I click on a thread which the index says has a latest post of, say Thurs, 4:00, my computer only shows the last post made on Wed.
And the whole "coffee break" forum is frozen at Wed afternoon

so I cant see if my previous post about the problem got in or not, am trying again in here.

Try this...
You can hard refresh by holding down the shift key and then hitting the reload button in your browser.
Or if there is still a problem... Go into Internet Options on your browser menu. And Delete your Browsing History - Then restart your computer.

Good luck

PMd to you in case you can't see the replies...
What do you mean- the "reload button"?
No -
Close all web pages you have open except this one.
On your Internet Explorer there should be a "Tools" drop down.
Then choose "Internet Options"
There should be a "Browsing History" section with a "Delete..." button.
Click that button.
Make sure the "Temporary Internet Files" is ticked. The others can be ticked or unticked as you would like.
Press the Delete button.
Browse to the website again.
Any luck?

Had a light bulb moment!!

Try the other computer in the spare room - so here I am and everything is working fine on this one but still frozen on family room computer

I could get some threads to open on there but not others and not the whole coffee break forum and "view new posts" wasn't working - but it works in here

Go figure

Anyway, so obviously the problem is my end, not the forum itself.

Will ask my computer consultant for advice when he gets home from work

Had a light bulb moment!!

Try the other computer in the spare room - so here I am and everything is working fine on this one but still frozen on family room computer

I could get some threads to open on there but not others and not the whole coffee break forum and "view new posts" wasn't working - but it works in here

Go figure

Anyway, so obviously the problem is my end, not the forum itself.

Will ask my computer consultant for advice when he gets home from work

I guess you fixed it... it was my IT Systems Manager son who responded not me.
My computer consultant fixed it
(I knew I married him for a reason

Apparently the reason it would only work on one computer was that the other one had the date set wrong so the "posts since last visit" function didn't work, as computer thought my last visit was 3 days previous to real date. Does that make sense?

Anyway CC aka DH fixed it within seconds by adjusting the date setting
Explorer? what's that?
Do people still use that
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