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Concrete Flooring

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Hi all,

First time poster!

I am renovating a property and I need to do a few things 'on the cheap' and one of those things is to remove dirty vinyl and use the concrete slab as the flooring(after sealing gloss).

The concrete under the vinyl is a good quality, leveled and doesn't have any crazy stains on it. I wanted to be able to just mop it, vacuum it and seal it with a gloss finish (product: Crommelin Concrete Floor Sealer) because I cannot afford to get it ground or done professionally and we need to move in to it quite quickly.

I chose a test area and coated it but when I came back two days later it had absorbed a lot in to the slab and produced a white powder-like appearance. So I have applied another coat(which is normal in the process) and the whiteness went away straight away. Should I expect that when I go back it would have produced the white again?

If it has sealed it and not produced the white, I was going to apply some sort of cleaning agent with a mop before I did any major areas(I thought that way have produced the whiteness) - what would be a recommend product from bunnings?

Thank you in advance for your time.

I would contact the company that makes the sealer and ask them what they recommend. Have a read of this it takes about whitening ... n-2017.pdf

I would hope that dirty viny wasn't Asbestos Vinyl tiles.

All people doing DIY on the cheap should be aware of Asbestos risks or they will be selling their health and the health of those they love very cheap.

There are concerns of a second wave of Asbestos illnesses from DIY'ers
Hi guys,

Thank you for your response!

The vinyl was installed in 2006 so it is definitely not asbestos but thank you for your concern!

I have found two machines at Kennards - one grinds and the other seams to heat the sealer, push it into the concrete and polish. Has anyone used these?

I’ll be using the Crommelin sealer tomorrow as I spent all day today removing glue/mould from an old patch job - urgh!!
Its good to know you are on top of it.
How much did it cost you to DIY the floor?
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