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Building ForumFlooring & Floor Covering

Carpet or tile

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Hi , which would you choose for the hallways, carpet or tile, we will be in southern Tasmania , I want one ,hubby the other so can't decide.

We were advised to use hard wearing flooring in hall ways to avoid wear marks especially if it will have high traffic use. Ps Lovely floor plan

Thanks Cooper229, I want hard flooring hubby says it will be too cold in Tassie. So waiting to see what people think, maybe I am wrong but don't tell my hubby I said that!
I would prefer tiles as well. It has a more modern look compare with carpet. Tiles are also easy to clean !

I agree with cooper, we changed ours to laminate from carpet. For us, it also helped towards our 6* energy rating too

Building with Simonds in S.A
We chose laminate too. I found tiles are cold under foot and I am tired of cleaning grout.. but i can see why people choose them they are super hardy.

Tiles with in floor heating. High traffic areas will wear quicker and wear the carpet down. In floor heating has come a long way and is cost effective

Hi , We don't want heating under tiles as it would cost a fortune to run and the builder I am sure will charge a fortune for it. We will be having hydronic heating in the whole house.
This is a very serious dilemma many home owners have. What to put - carpet or tiles. I have to agree that tiles have their specific appeal, they are easy to clean, they usually look great with everything, and you don't have to worry about wear-and-tear for years. But the tiles have very bad insulation properties, and in some areas of Australia you will feel the cold during the winter season. For such people carpets and rugs are the preferred flooring. Carpet may require more maintenance, but it's also a very good choice, which has its benefits. The biggest benefit is that it insulates the floor well, and you'll never feel cold again. If you choose the material of the carpet wisely, you will be able to put it in high traffic areas, including the hallways. But you'll still have to perform regular vacuuming and spot removal. So, it really depends what you prefer more - comfort and lots of cleaning or cold and easy cleaning?
I agree with AmyHufston. I prefer tiles than carpet.
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Flooring & Floor Covering

Hi Yash, Have you made a decision yet?

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