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All tiled or part carpet?

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My partner and I just had a discussion on whether we want carpet in our home or not.

We currently have it listed down for just the bedrooms, but we know how dirty and hard it can be to clean (we have a small dog that tends to leak everywhere and it stinks) and were thinking of just tiling it all instead.

Is it cheaper to tile a whole house instead of carpeting? Or are floor boards a better option (are they easy to clean/mop/durable enough?)

We had liked the look of the timber-look tiles, so will probably ask what the cost of that is at prestart to have done if we decide to do the entire house with tiling, but just after some opinions. I'm sure others have gone through this same dilemma.

My partner and I just had a discussion on whether we want carpet in our home or not.

We currently have it listed down for just the bedrooms, but we know how dirty and hard it can be to clean (we have a small dog that tends to leak everywhere and it stinks) and were thinking of just tiling it all instead.

Is it cheaper to tile a whole house instead of carpeting? Or are floor boards a better option (are they easy to clean/mop/durable enough?)

We had liked the look of the timber-look tiles, so will probably ask what the cost of that is at prestart to have done if we decide to do the entire house with tiling, but just after some opinions. I'm sure others have gone through this same dilemma.


It can be cheaper to tile the whole house if you buy cheap tiles but generally carpet is cheaper (I think). We had the same dilemma (didn't want carpet at all) but I didn't like the idea of cold tiles in winter in the bedrooms.

We had decided to go vinyl plank flooring (wood look) in the bedrooms instead of tile but in the end after staying in a holiday house with vinyl plank flooring we loved it so much we have decided to do the whole house (except bathrooms & laundry) in it. We dismissed floorboards due to the cost and the fact that our dog may easily scratch it.

I also looked into wood look tiles but they are extremely expensive and the tile shops I visited said it will cost a bomb for the tiling as there is a lot of work and grout needed.
Thanks for the reply!

Yeah I figured the wood tiles would be expensive, they're generally a lot smaller so there's a lot more work involved in laying them. I've never had vinyl plank floors, but have had vinyl before (in a 25 or so year old house). Wasn't a huge fan of it and I know friends who had vinyl and it ripped quite easily when their dog ran over it, then he continued to tear it all up.

How secure/strong are vinyl planks? Do they tend to warp over time or shrink and cause gaps/movement? And are they fine to mop whenever? Being wood you'd think mopping them would cause them to deteriorate/warp?

We are also looking at wood look tiles, I don't know which area you are from, I am from newcastle and went to a place today who had wood tiles for 51 m2 and they said from 65 m2 for them to be laid so 105m2 supply and installed.. I like vinyl planks but for durability and longevity I can't go past tiles.
There's a myriad of floor finishes for concrete floors these days, so you're not restricted to carpet and tiles. Some pretty good vinyl products on the market. Also polished concrete or epoxy resin floor finishes. Floating timber veneer is another. Acres of tiles might be a bit much, the odea of some nice textured vinyl planks in the bedrooms sounds a bit more appealing. Or timber.
Polished concrete is out of question 1 because of cost and 2 because my partner doesn't want our floor to be the same as "shopping centers" lol.
Timber tiles are also quite expensive, and we are on a rather tight budget, so was hoping if I went all vinyl plank (we've decided on this now) that it would give us a bit of return to do some extras at prestart (downlights and similar).
We did vinyl timber-look planks at our last investment unit (refurb). It was quite economical as we got a runout style. It had a texture like rough-sawn timber. I was really happy with it.
When I have to choose between tiles and carpet, I would usually choose carpet, because it acts as a better insulation and you won't get a cold just by walking over the floor. But if you have a dog, which can't hold it, the better solution are tiles, because they are easier to clean and maintain. I could also suggest putting tiles all over the place and smaller rugs around the places where you spend lots of time (around the sofa or the bed). And in case of urine stains from the dog, you can always try a solution of vinegar and lemon juice with some water. The vinegar neutralizes the bad smells and disinfects the spot.
We went with timber laminate to main areas (except wet which are tile) and carpet in bedrooms.
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