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Building ForumBuying Land

Builder receipt to book land

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A land estate is ready book land if we book with a builder. Is this something people opt to do ? Any gotchas that I need to be worried about.

First time buying land so trying to understand this process better.

Henley is ready to give me a receipt for a 850$ deposit and that seems to be “too good to be true”

Thanks in advance for the guidance.


Builder want us to scrap the land to soil

Building A New House

Sounds like rubbish to me. Ask for the contamination report which I doubt they have. If it's part of a normal subdivision it would have had a contamination report done…

Custom builder or pay for own floor plan and take to builder

Building A New House

Hi Mofflepop, I would recommend finding a building designer to prepare plans, they should design to your specified budget. The benefit is you can tender the project out…

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