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New development timeline

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Hi all, just wondering for those who have been through it, what is required for land registration??

They've started packing the ground down ready for road and guttering but still no little green power boxes.

Given that registration was due this month and was revised to February I'm thinking we will still have a bit more of a wait.

Generally there is a 3 stage process in subdivision of a site. (See this link

To be able to advertise blocks for sale and take deposits Stage One - Planning Permit should be completed.

At this stage the probably somewhere in Stage 2.

The timing will depend on two things:
1 If the developer has paid for the works required . . . some developers may be reluctant to pay until deposits have been paid for the majority of the blocks.
2. When the Highways / Utility authorities are able to carry out their work.
Hi all, just wondering for those who have been through it, what is required for land registration??

They've started packing the ground down ready for road and guttering but still no little green power boxes.

Given that registration was due this month and was revised to February I'm thinking we will still have a bit more of a wait.

Everything has to be finished before the land will register & the final stages (when everything is done and you are waiting on paperwork takes ages). We bought our block in March/April last year and we're told May/June then June/July then July/August. The land finally registered in September. If you go to my thread I have some pictures from each time we went out there, things were well on their way to being finished when we bought the block but it still took 6 months (I think all the civil works were done in June).
My stage is going to title in two weeks. From what I saw, they cleared existing structures/trees, then built the road, drainage, gutters, street lights, put in all the infrastructure like NBN, gas, electricity.. and then it took another 2 months for the paperwork to go through the council.
thanks everyone!!

we've been advised its now been revised to May - although we aren't sure if that means they are planning on having registration in may or they are sending for registration in may.

quite frustrating!
same boat here,
signed in July... was meant to be done by August... now October... but still only just laying road now...

All could fall through for our finance because of the delay.
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