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Controlled Fill - problem or not?

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Hi first post and first time builders, just one question.

We've just managed to find a nice 869m lot in a great position but looking through the paperwork i've been given a certificate for controlled fill. I cant seem to find if this is a good thing or a bad thing re footings costs. Anyone have any experience with this?
Controlled fill is a lot better than ordinary fill.

See this link for an explanation of the difference:
This can be a complicated area.If you have significant fill then you will get a class "p" slab and a engineer will decide whether the fill is good enough to put a rigid slab on the fill or whether you will need piers down through the fill into natural ground.If your fill is very good then some soil test company will re classify as a normal classification not a "P".In some estates there is more than
the developers fill which you hope will be found during the soil test.
So you really have to wait untill the soil test is done and the engineer makes a decision.
We have engineered fill over a meter deep but got engineered as P class with H2 slab only piers or piles will be at back because of high angle of repose but even they may not be needed
Sounds like the engineer has it under control.The engineer will usually modify the H2 type slab to allow for settlement of the fill.
Sand or soil to fill in a trench

General Discussion

sand is better drainage than soil

Plaster meets wood - how to fill

Building A New House

yeah i couldnt picture it issue either, but i could clearly picture what they were doing wrong haha

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