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WA - Buying land (Brookleigh Estate, Caversham?)

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Hi all!

Great forum! Just stumbled across this site today, and already been able to find the answers I need and also added a bunch of things on my list of things to look into in the near future.

Anywho, new to the buying land/building scenario, just wondering if anyone is currently building in, or has/will purchase land in Brookleigh Estate, Caversham? I did notice a few other estates around the area (St Leonard's, Taylor Private Estate) and was just wondering what has tipped you to buying a block in Brookleigh (or vice versa), and have you faced any issues as of yet?

Their design guidelines say max 50% site coverage... is this generally the case in other new Estates around Perth?

I'd be happy to take suggestions for other estates/developments too

Note: We are currently looking for land that is at least 16.5m wide

Hi pumkinbroc,

Possibly a little late in replying, but I thought someone should say "welcome to the forum"!

50% site coverage is pretty much the standard across the board in Perth, for both new and old areas. Sometimes shires/developers are negotiable to a few percent more, but it's not the norm.

Unfortunately I won't be any help regarding the estates, but hopefully someone else on here is buying/building near there and can help.
Hi pumkinbroc,

Sorry I can't say much about Brookleigh specifically but just wanted to say welcome and "hi" too.

How are you going? Have you made any decisions on the land?

We're building not too far away from there in Guildford so I'm pretty familiar with the area - and of course the displays (our builder called me a Display Groupie the other day

I don't know too much about the plans for the estate, but as a location goes I couldn't fault it. We'd be in the same shire I presume. I just love living near the Swan Valley and feeling close to the country while being not all that far out from the city centre. As CA3105 said, 50% is pretty standard. I'm curious about the differences in price and spec requirements between Brookleigh and Taylors - they have very different builders represented by the displays and available house and land packages. Have you picked up on many differences?

* actually - scrap that I think I'm thinking of St Leonards not Taylors
Hi, we have been following developments in this area for some time now and are happy to say that we decided to settle in Brookleigh Caversham.
Our original intention was to buy land and build in Waterhall, South Guildford. The early releases/stages were very good but the later ones (November onwards) have given us cause for concern. Huge retaining walls have started to appear on the more expensive blocks being released which prompted us to inquire with the land development group who are based in Adelaide. We asked if there was a water table issue as the walls are so high but were advised that it is purely design only. Because of this we decided to look elsewhere.

St Leonards Estate didn't give us the feel we were looking for but Brookleigh definitely did. We managed to track down plans for the future of the area and have been impressed by what we found. Being central to the winery region is a big bonus for us.

I cannot advise too much on design guidelines as we have purchased a fully completed show home. All I can say is that we have been very impressed with the overall future plans for the estate.

Hi pumkinbroc,

Sorry I can't say much about Brookleigh specifically but just wanted to say welcome and "hi" too.

How are you going? Have you made any decisions on the land?

We're building not too far away from there in Guildford so I'm pretty familiar with the area - and of course the displays (our builder called me a Display Groupie the other day

I don't know too much about the plans for the estate, but as a location goes I couldn't fault it. We'd be in the same shire I presume. I just love living near the Swan Valley and feeling close to the country while being not all that far out from the city centre. As CA3105 said, 50% is pretty standard. I'm curious about the differences in price and spec requirements between Brookleigh and Taylors - they have very different builders represented by the displays and available house and land packages. Have you picked up on many differences?


I'm sure 50% was mentioned when we talked to a sales agent in the VALE (Averley) recently, however a drive through of the area and looking at a number of houses in different stages of contsruction had me thinking that must be a minimum rather than a maximum

Nothing like looking at a concrete slab on a vacant block to give you a perspective of coverage

We're building in St Leonards, we fell in love with the location and the set up of the estate in general. We bought a block in one of the "back" stages (1K) because of the block sizes and wide frontages (ours is 21m). Currently waiting on titles so hopefully we can get started soon!!

In regards to other developments depending how far north you want to go, there is whiteman edge and park st as well as taylors as mentioned.
All the estates we looked into had max 50% site coverage.
Brookleigh estate all the way! its so beautiful here and i couldnt be happier
Their design guidelines say max 50% site coverage... is this generally the case in other new Estates around Perth?

Corrimbia (aka Landsdale) allows 65% coverage which would make for a monster house on an average block, or an average sized home on a small/'cottage' block
brookleigh is so nice! i would have loved to have purchased my block there but unfortunately it was quite a lot pricier than my budget allowed me - so i settled for avonlee which is about 5mins or so from brookleigh.

so for anyone reading this and brookleigh is a bit pricey look into avonlee or whiteman edge. whiteman edge is being developed by stockland and they seem to be a lot more on the ball than our developer (terranovis)
right on the money Daedalus. I couldn't personally justify the extra 25k for the same block size for 2km down the road.
We're building on Taylor Private Estate; just waiting for land titles later this year. I believe that the developers are currently looking into 60% site coverage.
whiteman edge is 60% site coverage I think it's starting to become more standard these days
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