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Cloverlea Estate - Chirnside Park VIC (Buying Land)

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Hi all!!
My partner and I are building our first house in Cloverlea, stage 2A with SBG! Feels like we have been waiting forever! Quite disappointed on the 6 month delay, but having this forum has been great, as it keeps us in the loop!!
Cant wait to check out the stage 1 builds once they get underway! Hopefully the soil and easement issues can be resolved and are not too costly! Good luck!!


We were also disappointed with our delays, but looking back it enabled us to save more and go on a holiday, which was pretty good. Looking forward to seeing how stage 2 develops!

Hi, another stage 2(d) person here. Went and had a look the other day, with Sanna, and can see our block from Stage 1 (our block is on Columbia Boulevard, the bottom of which is in Stage 1). Looking forward to meeting you all gradually - I am sure we will be bumping into each other at some point when we are trying to scope out how our stage is going. i am also disapoinnted with the delays but I figure it just gives us more time to save so we can do, and buy, things more quickly. Plus we get to read about all the builds in Stage 1 which will be exciting...

Which builders are you two using? We are going with Carlisle....

We are building with Porter Davis. Carlisle came in a close second though!

Which house are you building with Carlisle?
Hi all!!
My partner and I are building our first house in Cloverlea, stage 2A with SBG! Feels like we have been waiting forever! Quite disappointed on the 6 month delay, but having this forum has been great, as it keeps us in the loop!!
Cant wait to check out the stage 1 builds once they get underway! Hopefully the soil and easement issues can be resolved and are not too costly! Good luck!!

Hi there mzjes_17, my wife and I are in 2A aswell (2055) and also with SBG, which house are you building??, we are building a slightly different Matilda 23.
Funny that, we chose Matilda 23 also! But we did chop and change a few things so its not exactly the same as the original. I think there are a few people building with them which is a good feeling!
Hi ftdt7882, we are building the Randwick 26. It was exactly the floor plan we wanted so it was a pretty easy decision.
It will be our first home too, we just want to start building already!!!!!.
SBG have been really good to us and yeah there is going to be a few of them in the estate which is good.
Hi guys, as you already know we are building with SBG
due to start 2nd week of april
, you will be able to do a drive by and see step by step progress, it's getting very exciting now, SBG have been amazing, speaking with the girls over the last couple of weeks they are doing their best to keep on top of all the relevant info that is coming thru about where we are all at
they too have been frustrated about the hold ups, but have been very reassuring that they have everything at their end ready to go
which makes us feel good,
looks like Carlye are dominating the builds in the estate, which is not surprising considering the amount of advertising I have been hearing, radio, tv, SBG tend to leave it up to word of mouth
which is how we got onto them
so two very successful builders, l am very keen to see who gets on first to put up advertising
this is a big thing for the builders healthy competition
see who gets on first,lol
It's been such a long wait, we'll be happy to see any builder turn up!!!lol
Well I had never heard of SBG until we were told about them through Rochelle, then after meeting Claire and checking out the display homes we were really happy.
Yes so eager for houses to start popping up, all very exciting!
Sanna, any idea about how much extra you have to pay for the slab due to the class P soil rating?
Hi ftdt7882, we are building the Randwick 26. It was exactly the floor plan we wanted so it was a pretty easy decision.

Hi TashPaul,

That was one that we considered! It has a nice layout, and I like how you can see from the front door down to the back of the house. Great choice!
Hi Sanna,

So exciting! Living close will be good for you, you'll be able to check out your build every day!!

We are due to settle this week (hopefully Monday) and site start is the first week of May.

We've got a few re selections to do I think as PD changed suppliers for a few things after we did our colours. Bricks is one of those, but that's ok, gives us a chance to go through everything again and make sure we are happy!
Hi all I know a few ppl are building with sbg have they put any extra costs on after the fixed price contract price?? We received our quote but it is at our max budget actuly just over and are worried that they will try and put extras that they "forgot" about. Has this happen to anyone
Also are fences down yet?? If they are settling soon they should be down so ppl can do final inspections and so on yeah??
Hi guys,

This thread is getting very long now
myself and my husband are building by Carlisle homes site start set for 3rd week of April.. Hopefully finished by last week July - 1st week august. We have our contract signing on 7th April will let everyone know what class slab we have. Very exciting not long now
cannot wait to meet all our lovely neighbours. We should all have a welcome BBQ at the country club or rain garden once all of stage one is constructed
lot 306
Hi all I know a few ppl are building with sbg have they put any extra costs on after the fixed price contract price?? We received our quote but it is at our max budget actuly just over and are worried that they will try and put extras that they "forgot" about. Has this happen to anyone

Hi there neighbour, the price they gave us at the begining has stayed the same but i guess if you make any changes i would imagine it may change so just make sure you are happy with the design how it is so you dont have to add anything after, however we have changed things along the way and they didnt charge us anymore, they have been very good like that.
Hi guys, the P slab is included in our price, everything is fixed, Claire has confirmed that long time ago, like KB peters we have been very happy with them

Lot306 what you do now is go back to SBG and be up front with them tell them it's a little high
see what you can do to get the price down,They may come up with alternative for you,
keep in mind there are things you can get done at a latter date, when money permits further down the tracks

They have not changed pricing on us, and we are confident that they won't, our contract is very clear,The owners D&C are pretty straight down the line! As they said to us, it's not good business to be hitting people up with hidden cost,
we are off to see SBG's color show room tomorrow with Bec
hear is hoping we can come to some kind of agreement. does anyone actually know someone who has built a house fully finished with SBG? would love to talk to ppl who have built with them as I cant find much info on them on the net (prob a good thing)
Oh wow very happy that our "problem soil" won't effect our price, quite a relief ! being first home buyers all this stuff is new to us so thanks for all the advice!!
Lot 306 we were able to cut our costs down alot buy taking things out like for example the draws and stuff out of our robes and walk in robes and other little things that if we could add later down the track and we lowered our ceilings cause we weren't really fussed about having really high ceilings.

Best of luck to you both tomorrow.

Kenneth and breanna.
Hi KB we did the same with the ceiling
we went with standard ceilings, Lot 306 Bec is excellent, tell her Sanna and Gary said hi, and to look after you,
she has a great sense of humour, and easy going

She suggested our brick colour, EAGLEMONT, which We felt Was the hardest thing to pick, because it's such a large part of the build, l highly recommend everyone go and look at a house built in your choice of brick, the samples you get to choose from don't give you much to look at , we picked a brick from the samples originally, then we went looked at a house built ,in the brick we choose and hated it


Check out the stone walls, this one is ours, Xile yours is getting done now
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