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Building ForumBuying Land

Land rant - how long did it take you to find your land?

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We took 2 and a half year, but in the time we were looking the market was cooling. So blocks we had ruled out were coming back into our price range. We had to do a lot of revisits and work out the acceptable price for a heap of blocks.

What we ended up buying a block we had ruled out 18 months previously as to expensive. By the time we got it, it was about 25% off.
Custom builder or pay for own floor plan and take to builder

Building A New House

Hi Mofflepop, I would recommend finding a building designer to prepare plans, they should design to your specified budget. The benefit is you can tender the project out…

3m ceilings - how high would you have your kitchen cabinets?

Kitchen Corner

Thanks mate. Yeah good points! Leaning towards Option 3 to get a bit extra space in the cabinets but not going too crazy high (and expensive). Would require a mini…

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