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Can I heat a pool using a heating element?

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I'm planning to build a 4m x 8m pool in Brisbane. I've read about possible heating options (gas heating, heat pump, solar heating via a net of tiny tubes on the roof) but this all feels complex to me and I'm wondering if there is an option to heat the pool in the same way a kettle boils water? I have a large roof that that I can cover with solar panels. Am I missing something basic here?

Old school heaters used a element like a kettle . Using one on a pool that size would result in a power bill around $2000-$3000 per quarter .
A good solar system would allow swimming from September to may in brissy .
If you wish to use the pool in winter you will need a heat pump or gas heater.

Ok, so I'm not entirely crazy
.Would I have such a big bill even if I heated the pool only during the day when energy comes from solar panels?
You would need a large solar system to power one . They are also quiet slow heating . I would recommend a electric heat pump if you have solar panels. A heat pump is about 6 times more efficient than a element heater.

Makes sense, 1:6 ratio is I suppose why it is not widely used.

Gas heating great to heat quickly but big $$$ to use it .. i ensed up foing heat pump and ran it during the day with pumps which my solar power 5.5 kw system ran the heater and pumps during the day costing me nothing plus i have it set to off peak at night if need be costing me 7 cents and hour ..
So heat pump if you have a solar system already install .. let the sun pay for it
Only go gas IF you intend to have a spa cause you need to heat it quickly otherwise i recon heat pump all the way

Yeah, it looks like a heat pump is the right solution for me. I wanted to avoid it as they are big and ugly.

You Wrote "I have a large roof that that I can cover with solar panels. Am I missing something basic here?"

Are you CRAZY?

The old style kettles had a lock in mechanism to avoid electric shock/electrocution! AKA Death. And you want to swim in it? Maybe the mother-in-law I can understand.

The process a kettle heats water, is by for a better term "Short Circuits" a wire which glows red hot in order to boil water. This is VERY EXPENSIVE in electricity price, however for a smaller body of water such as a kettle, this is overlooked and speed is king.

However, if we are talking about a body of water the size of a swimming pool (40,000 litres of water and nor 2 litres, that of a kettle) ........... Then this method would be, for a better word. MADNESS.

My recommendation to you with solar panels would be to use a "Heat Pump" system.

Please read my review of pool heating systems as one of the other option would better suit your lifestyle.


Here is my Story .....
Here is my Review, of different types of Swimming Pool Heaters which I should have linked instead.


Thanks for links!
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