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Fridge Freezer not working after trying to run on Generator

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I tried running my fridge on a generator during the power outage. It is a large side by side 2 door fridge freezer.


I thought it was working on the genny because I heard the compressor going on and off quite often.

But water started dripping out after 2 days and I realised it was trying to run but not succeeding.

The compressor would come on and run for 30 seconds and then stop with a loud click that it does not normally make.

No indication on the LCD panel that anything was wrong or any warning beeps like when you leave the door open. Only the odd length of the compressor cycle and the loud click to give any clue.

Normally on mains power the compressor would come on and stay on for a while and there would be no loud click when it switched off.

The power is back on now and I have tried running it on mains again; but running it for 48 hours on the genny seems to have damaged it, as it is now exhibiting the same symptoms when running on mains power:
The compressor comes on but stops after 30 seconds with a loud click and the fridge and freezer are not getting cold.

I was thinking maybe the capacitor has burned out from cycling so many times over 48 hours; but, if the capacitor was burned out then probably the compressor would not start at all rather than run for 30 seconds and then stop?

The other odd thing I noticed was that when the compressor ran for 30 seconds it was consuming 790w instead of the usual 420w. (I had measured it using a current meter out of curiosity before and then again during the outage)

User manual does not mention where the capacitors are but I think I found them in this exploded view technical manual: ... 4794_25547

Any thoughts on what might be the problem based on these symptoms?
What length of extension cord did you use to run the fridge to the generator and was it a proper industrial (not Bunnings industrial) extension lead and what sort of Genset?
I know you can burn out air compressors if you try and run them on an extension cord, particularly not industrial rated cords, due to the current draw.
Your fridge on start up will draw much more current than it's nominated wattage.
I'd suspect that the generator coupled with a long small gauge extension lead has caused your issue.
It may not be a happy outcome.
Thanks Chippy

The fridge and freezer both still work but they only cool to 15c and 10c respectively instead of the normal 2c and -15c. The compressor runs for 30 seconds and then cuts out with the loud click and then tries again after about 10 minutes. I am guessing the 30 second run is enough to do some cooling but not enough.

The compressor is burning hot all the time. Too hot to touch.

I am guessing the clicking noise is a safety switch shutting off power to the compressor motor due to overheat?

Checked my insurance policy and I did not take the option for motor burnout. Oh well...

I switched to 2 other fridges that ran fine on the genny even at the same time and also with AC running. One of them is 30 years old and still running on original compressor. The fridge that died was bigger and more power hungry and had all the fancy LCD displays.

The genny is 3.5Kw.

I was using a few extension leads running power to various parts of the house. Just regular Bunnings heavy duty leads.
Annoying if it was the genny that killed the big fridge.

In future I will know to move all food to the old fridge in the garage if I am on genny power.
I had a similar issue with my fridge not too long ago. It wasn't the same model, but the symptoms were pretty much the same: the compressor would start and then stop abruptly with a loud click, and the fridge wouldn't get cold. I tried looking for solutions, thinking it might be something I could fix, but it turned out to be beyond my repair skills. So, I was faced with the decision to replace it. Knowing how expensive that could get, I decided to look into Budget Appliances. I was able to find a good, energy-efficient fridge that didn't break the bank. It cost me way less than I feared, around $600, and it's been working great ever since.
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