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Stuck on internal paint colours for our outdated house

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We became new home owners to a house in desperate need of a new paint job, there is almost a different colour/shade in every room!

I had a painter come and give a quote today and he pretty much ruled out our initial choice of Whisper White instead suggesting Hog Bristle 1/2 strength. His reasoning behind this was increased number of coats, increased price and the colours might still affect it. Which makes sense and we want the colour on all our internal walls just to keep it consistent.

I've been leaning towards greys or even browns but nothing with a blue undertone. Does anyone have any suggestions? Our house is quite dark in terms of light in most places so I don't want to make it feel like a cave.

I am sort of leaning towards Dulux Pommier or Dulux Musing but I'm worried they might be too dark. We currently have Dulux Buffit in our rental which I like and if all else fails I'll probably just go with that.

Here are some photos of our soon to be transformed house (that's the previous owners furniture):

To top it all off it has to go with Dulux Zatar Leaf as this is what we are painting the wardrobe door in my son's room (had to compromise with a 4 year old, the space is too small to have the whole room that colour!).

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
Hi aussiemor,

Will you be leaving the green carpet?
For the time being but it will stay unfortunately! Our long term aim is to replace the flooring throughout.
I've been really happy with Dulux Casper White. It is a lovely grey with no blue hint to it. I also really like Dulux Vanilla Quake 1/2. It is more of a beige but really lovely too. Both have depth to them without making the room feel small or closed in

Thanks Bjhf. I did try Casper white but only 1/4 & I couldn't tell it was grey at all (in fact the lexicon sample looked really grey...maybe they stuffed up the sample pots??). So maybe full strength is the way to go.
It's strange, I tried it in 1/2 strength and it looked terrible - all creamy and not grey at all. But in full strength it was perfect

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Thank you alexp79 and gommeqld for your advice, that's very helpful, thanks

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