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Please Help.. Home feels lifeless. Wall Paint

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Hi All,

I am hoping someone can help me with wall paint ideas on making the home feel more homey.
I tried keeping everything neutral and I think this has backfired on me as it feels boring and lifeless

Ideally I would love a feature wall behind the tv but as its a continuous wall to the front door I don't think it would look good if I stopped just above the hall way opening with a different colour.

Please help me select a new paint colour/s and an idea of what wall should be painted to give the house some life.

I have taken a few photos to give you more of an idea of the room.
The Tv has already been lowered by half a meter.

Thank you in advance


I don't think its lifeless, but its pretty monochrome - between the grey walls, and black and white furniture. I agree that a feature wall behind the tv might be awkward if you have to stop it somewhere.
Instead could you look at replacing the 3 small wooden blinds with rollers covered in a beautiful printed fabric to act as a substitute for some artwork? Even swapping out the stuff on the centre of the table, buffet and ent unit for some vibrant colours might help. I can see you've used some purple - what about a nice vibrant purple table runner, then a nice piece of artwork over the buffet?

I'm not much help, mine is being painted his week and will look much similar - we've gone warm greys) but I'm trying to mix the furniture up a bit and bring in some timber to help it look a bit more relaxed and bright.
I'd be going for some bright pictures.
I wouldn't paint the wall. My suggestion is to get 2 x pieces of rectangular wall art including a colour you really like and hang one each side of the TV. I think the long side of each picture should be vertical. Then pick a colour from the art and paint the architraves around the windows with the timber blinds in this feature colour . I don't think the white with the timber blinds looks right. Then add some décor items picking up the art colours.

This is what I would do BUT I'm no designer - good luck!
Your colour scheme is pretty similar to ours. Even though it's a pretty neutral colour, I found it hard to put a 'colour' with it. We went with red accents and the rug tied it all together. You can't see it but there is a red wall on the hallway leading into the room. You could do something similar with your purple.

I'd put up curtains, put down a floor rug and toss some throws over the couch... and put some pictures/art/something up on the wall. It needs colour. Bright, vivid, warm colour would be my choice.

More practically speaking, the issue that I see is the walls are far too bare. Artwork/pictures of some sort are the easiest way to lift the wall out of the doldrums; shelves with something interesting on them also work. I don't think painting one wall a different colour would be enough, personally - I think it would still look too bare. Wallpaper might do it. But without shelves framing it, your TV looks too small and lonely on the wall, so I think you need something to keep it company. Opposite, well, the sliding door looks cold and stark to me, which is why I suggest curtains. Have the rod/track wider than the glass so you can pull the curtain right back off it and go for something bold.
Totally agree with dragonchild. I definitely wouldn't paint. It's the lack of ornaments and wall hangings and the black/white furniture that's the problem. As you have fairly cool colours I would perhaps consider some bursts of teal around the room. I would get a piece of artwork that has an appropriate colour in it and add accents of that colour around the room.
Change the pendant lights above the island to define the area a bit.

What I see lacking, and I fear the same when I build our place, is lack of definition between living spaces.

Definitely go for a nice rug under the living. If you want calming warmth go for earthy tones, I think like a hessian type rug would add nice texture to the floor. Put a large vase with feature branches in the corner near the TV and try to work on symmetry.

A bold painting above the buffet would look great.

I agree with others though. It just needs a little accessorising. Not too much and not too bulky because the space doesn't look that big.

Thank you all

So many wonderful ideas and great advise, its always good hearing another persons opinion.

The wooden blinds are left because the house previously had bamboo flooring which was destroyed after the dishwasher went bust so we had tiles laid in place of the wooden floor. The pendant lights are a recent new addition which I like

If only we had the walls painted the two walls in a nice silver colour like Dulux Sea Elephant in the previous post on the forum.
I think at the moment our walls and tiles are too similar.

Im glad I came to this forum because I was planning to do something like this; Dulux Domino or similar.
I like that.....
Hi go to

There are before and after pictures of a lounge and dining which starts off boring and dull and is transformed by simple use of colourful cushions, art and ornaments which make the room pop!!! Amazing change!!!

I think you will find this helpful as your colour scheme is similiar to before the makeover.
I agree with others, and I wouldn't be painting the walls another colour. I love a neutral palette because you can add any colour you like and it will always work.

You definitely need to add texture and colour to make the space feel warmer and more homely. At the moment the furniture is quite angular and monotone and you need to soften the edges a bit. Fill in a few blank walls with pictures, like a gallery wall of family photos, and fill in the floor spaces with a few pieces of furniture (small side table, console or shelves). You can then add pops of colour onto the new pieces with books, vases, flowers and special knick-knacks that mean something to you. You don't have to spend a lot of money, plenty of things available cheaply (that still look great) at discount stores, Target, KMart etc.

The big wall where the TV is, could afford a bigger (longer) TV unit and some floating shelves to fill in the space a little better. You need to introduce a little height, as well. Lots of cushions, a couple of complimentary throw rugs and a rug for the floor to add some warmth and texture and break up the similar colour between walls and floor. A mirror or a large clock would look great above the white console/buffet in the meals area, and also some height on top of it such as a vase/plant. Floor lamps in corners also work well to give a little height.

This is the fun part! Don't go overboard, start small, one area at a time.

Good luck, and have fun experimenting! You have the backbones, it's now all about the layering.
Hi go to

There are before and after pictures of a lounge and dining which starts off boring and dull and is transformed by simple use of colourful cushions, art and ornaments which make the room pop!!! Amazing change!!!

I think you will find this helpful as your colour scheme is similiar to before the makeover.

Thanks sanjam. I'm now addicted to that site as well as The Design Tribe and all of the other links on there. And Pinterest and Houzz and on it goes. How I manage to work full time I don't know. Oh that's right I do it at work too!

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