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Thoughts on tile colors

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On the home stretch, color appointment later this month!

Looking for thoughts on the following color scheme. I am starting to think it will be too much and some more neutral color's are needed.
My goal is a earthy, warm, almost cave like house, with dark brown tiles and light brown/beige carpet (middle tone brown/very slight grey curtains).
The ensuite will have 2100 tiling on all walls but the bathroom will remain standard (hence cheaper tiles in the bathroom to keep costs down).

Main floor tile:
Main floor tiles to the house: Alto Mocha (not polished)

Or (backup), Lava Chocolate (cheaper, not rectified and lighter)


The floor will be the same as above.
For the ensuite walls: Crystal Super White (polished)
Even though its a "white" tile, it has more of a beige/neutral tone with some dots in it. With the dark floor, i am hoping it will throw a very slight light brown color. Otherwise my backup was Alto Eggshell (similar color but a bit more brown/beige, no dots).

And feature wall in toilet + shower: Alto Nero (polished)
Not sure if this works with the color scheme. I like the tile but it is very dark. Thoughts?

Wall tiles: Sequenza Almond Gloss (looks terrible on the computer, much less yellow in store)

And a feature for the shower:

Any comments are welcome. Should i throw in some white (gloss white) to break up the dark of the floor? Is Alto Nero too much of a stark difference to the rest of the color scheme?
Would you change any of the colors?

I love the dark tile. So sleek.
The first 2 tiles I don't think I've seen, but I'm very aware of the others.
That Alto Nero, is a great tile!

Yes I think you may need introduce some white or at least off white to the mix to keep it a little bright.
Thought it might be a bit dark.

Should have also mentioned, paint is going to be:
Primary: Sandy Day or Grand Piano (Sandy day appears a little pink to me, and Grand Piano a little yellow)
Feature walls: Peppercorn Rent

I can always go with gloss white tiles in place of the crystal super white (would be cheaper too) in the bathroom & ensuite.
Rest of the house will be fairly dark though. Still decided on laminate color in the kitchen.
I think the Lava Chocolate will be good! Even the name sounds delicious, lol..
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