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The Block - 2014

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So, who's watching this year?

What did you think about the 2 rooms?
I thought those two rooms weren't anywhere near as good as the first two rooms. If I was the couple that didn't get on in the first night I'd be pretty annoyed seeing what got through on the second!

Can't wait to see what they do this season!
Agreed Stacy, I was surprised.
BUT, I can't wait to see what talent unfolds while the show progresses.

I totally agree. The first 2 were definitely the best. I liked both of them. What a shame.

I like watching to get decorating ideas. I'm going to tape them though so I can fast forward through the slow bits.
"I'm going to tape them so I can fast forward through the slow bits"

LOL - That's been said before here about the Block - but there will always be down time with any reality show.
I'm still yet to figure out my Harddrive to tape.....not computer related, so in the To Hard Basket!
I was disappointed to see on the first night the ones that got through were helped by dumb luck of getting that graffiti rubbish counting towards them.
I think the other room was a far better room than the graffiti room.
I had been waiting for it to come on and I totally agree with the other comments. the 2nd two rooms were'nt even close to the first two.

It makes me wonder what the audition process is to get onto the block.
I liked both rooms on the first night but would have picked the orange one for a winner just because the rugs in the other room threw the whole thing out. (I'm so picky lol!)

The right team won the second night, I agree that they werent as good as the losers from night 1, but they did an ok job for their first day. The lighting on the graffiti wall was a good idea. The other team last night were woeful! That plate of fruit?! They must have known they were going.
My hardest thing will be finding the time to watch the episodes....

Make sure you all tell me if I miss something!!
If all else fails they replay them the next night (6pm on channel 'Go!') or they put them online after they've aired
I cant believe the favs went with that wall paper! It looked terrible.
This post got me to watch the first episode online. I have to agree, the second two rooms didnt even come close to the first two, I'd be VeRY upset if I was e couple who was kicked out the first night!!
I missed it again!!

Looks like I'm going to be watching a lot of internet reruns to catch up!!
Now I can watch when I want, I'll just pop in here.....
I agree Angelblue, the wallpaper was awful!
So who will be watching tonight?

I will, just so I can watch the tension between the 2 fans group. Crazy idea putting people together that don't know each other.

Crazy or smart......????
I wish the first two teams made it through. Not really liking team for second night yet
Hmm at the moment I dont think the blonde girl likes the other girl much. But its early days.
I do love watching Brad & Dale though, those two are hilarious!
Finally got to sit down to watch Tuesday night's episode.

Rather disappointed with both of them.

What I was very disappointed with what that the 'winners' chose to use that dumb American style graffiti.... come on guys, this is Australia, not the 51st state of the USA. This basically legitimatises vandalism that these graffiti hoodlums do on other people's properties.

Did anyone think that the graffiti on the 'winners' side was better and more usuable in a 'arty-farty' way than the one on the other side of the building ?
The Block isn't on tonight
Flood zone block - 1 in 100year

General Discussion

Yes it had a house on it. But Melbourne water only wanted something the original size of the existing house. We managed to fit a 45sq house on.

Building on a Block with Large Frontage

Building A New House

Thanks. this looks really nice.

Sloped block in Warrandyte

Building A New House

Any recommendations for builders for a KDRB in North Warrandyte ? Thanks

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