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Computer virus

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I've got one!! Its taken out my desk top computer big time to the point I don't have a working computer at all.

I have my laptop top but I can't work off it its not set up with all the gear.
I'm going to be gone for a while I think,its not looking good!

Hi Michelle,had similar problem with virus hid all my files.Took PC
to guy in Epping removed virus,working ok cost $90 worth it.
My ex who is my IT guy tells me the popus are getting worse! He said quite a few of his clients have had the same problem. Unfortunately for me, I know its going to cost more than $90 to get fixed.
No one at his office works for that per hour. I don't care I just need it fixed. And yes this virus has hidden all my files as well. So much for virus protection.
Hi Michelle

Download Kasperky's single executable version of their anit-virus software....

on your laptop and copy it to a memory stick. Transfer the stick to the sick pc and run the exe.

Let us know what it finds.

Also, can you tell us the following:

Operating System:
Preferred Browser:
Current Anti-virus software:
Running Malwarebytes Y/N?
Running Spybot Y/N?


ps my 'other' job was IT manager for a corporate legal firm
Hi Michelle

Download Kasperky's single executable version of their anit-virus software....

on your laptop and copy it to a memory stick. Transfer the stick to the sick pc and run the exe.

Let us know what it finds.

Also, can you tell us the following:

Operating System: ?????
Preferred Browser: Google
Current Anti-virus software: AVG Free
Running Malwarebytes Y/N? was about to down load that but the virus got me as I was doing it.
Running Spybot Y/N? Yes


ps my 'other' job was IT manager for a corporate legal firm

Thanks heaps RiH, down loading it now to my laptop. I'll let you know how I go.
I have a consultation this morning so you won't hear back from me till later today.
soz my bad for the labels.

Operating system: XP/Vista/Windows 7?
Browser: Internet Explorer/Firefox?

I will suggest that you change anti-virus software when you get things back up and running. AVG used to be very good but has dropped the ball since the last major release. Suggest either Avast or Microsoft's own antivirus MSE (its an oxymoron that the operating system provider is also providing anti virus but thats a WHOLE other topic!

For those reading. one of the biggest ways virus's are now spreading is via java.

Java has not in the past EVER uninstalled its older versions. Each time you 'upgrade' Java, you are in fact loading another version. All previous versions remain on your pc. They have fixed this now but many of you with pc's older than 18 months that have not had a recent rebuild, stand a good chance of being vunerable, particularly any XP users out there.

The hackers have discovered the some of the older versions, particularly 3 thru 6, you can drive a truck thru now. So unless you uninstall the older versions, you are wide open. AFAIK, no anti-virus software currently picks up these exploits.

Here is the Java FAQ regarding removing older version.

However the utility I use is JavaRa. It will go thru and clean up both the older versions but also the older registry entries that link Java to your browser.

HI RIH great info. Everyone I work with had issues with their java earlier this year on work supplied( ok we pay for them) notebooks. Espec after updating java. I'll be passing on this info to those who didn't get their's replaced this year so they can remove old versions of java.
Maybe time to ditch that pc and go mac.

"Think differently"... as one famous person once said.
am going mac next week for my notebook as I figured a change would be nice
just waiting for it to arrive at work. then i'll be cursing as I try to adapt
then i'll be cursing as I try to adapt

You'll only be cursing that you never switched sooner.
If you do have a malware infection:
Spybot search & destroy (probably not the best, its slow but it does have an immunisation function which is useful)
Malware malbytes anti-malware

I've also switched from AVG to Avast as the detection rates are higher, interesting about the java based viruses, I haven't read about that
Someone remind me what Java does anyway?
:) soz my bad for the labels.

Operating system: XP/Vista/Windows 7?
Browser: Internet Explorer/Firefox?

I will suggest that you change anti-virus software when you get things back up and running. AVG used to be very good but has dropped the ball since the last major release. Suggest either Avast or Microsoft's own antivirus MSE (its an oxymoron that the operating system provider is also providing anti virus but thats a WHOLE other topic!


Windows - Explorer

I was really busy all day, and didn't get to figure out where the program put itself on my very much unused laptop. Looks like its off to the boys this morning.
I feel like I've lost an arm
Someone remind me what Java does anyway?

Java is a program, that allows you to run other programs. That's the simplest way to explain it

Its sometimes used on websites, or programs installed on your computer. Think about java as a framework to run other programs
Back online and everything working as normal again!
Took a while, and thanks for your help everyone.

If your looking for a good anti spyware program load Superantispyware cleans your computer out really well!
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