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Need Taubmans colour the same as Dulux Hogs Britle

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Your builder should be able to supplier you with the brochure of the Taubmans standard colours.

If not, tell him you want one.
Thank you Michelle, I have calmed down somewhat. Are the colour charts updated regularly or do the standard colours stay standard for years and years?
do the standard colours stay standard for years and years?

Not sure, I don’t use Taubmans that much…..but I have a feeling they stay standard for a while…..
Thanks Michelle, back to the drawing board/colour charts for me...
Make you builder fess up with the chart….otherwise you will be running around in circles!
Oh themax this is my worst nightmare!

I have been down this path - called taubmans customer service line asking for a list of standard builders colors. The girl had no idea what I was talking about so put me through to a shop in Melb (
I;m in Syd) Anyway I spoke with them - didn't know what I was talking about. Called Customer service again and this time was referred to Bristol at Taren Point. They too had no idea of a builder range list, and also mentioned they had very limited taubmans samples. Went back to the builder and said wtf is going on, now my only option is *hope* the colors I like are on the builders list, or trek back to Baulkham Hills to the Builder and look at the *wall* of samples from the builders list.

Oh how I feel your pain.

Southies is using Moonriver - is that on your list?
I got the Wattyl range of standard colours from our Wattyl paint shop.

Taubmans have closed down in our town, when bust….say no more!

Good luck….BUT if your builder is telling you, you can only have the standard rang……someone better know what that is!
Unfortunately bel I don't HAVE a list. I have been given a Taubmans EXTERIOR colour chart, and also have been told that SOME, SOME, British Paints colours are acceptable because Taubmans have bought out BP> (I am sure it was B.P, if it was someone else I stand corrected).
I will have to go to Bunnings and have a look at that Moonriver, thanks for the tip! It must be similar to the other colours is it?
Yep the moonriver is similiar I think
Phoenix and Claego used Moonriver. I've been looking at their blogs!

I think it's Bristol who bought Taubmans (or vice versa) that's why they put me though to the Taren Point store.

Hmmm over it
I'm confused themax.
Have you had your colour appt ? The consultants are there to help you decide on a colour. Or has this not happened yet ?
themax - as we could only use a Taubmans paint, I found bristol moonriver to be the closest match to dulux hog bristol.

We ended up going with Taubmans pebble bay (full strength) after seeing it in a display home which had other selections similar to ours.
Yes Southies, have had the appointment, but not signed off on it yet. I did choose a colour, Bamboo Cream, but have since seen Hogs Bristle in a friends house and much preferred it. Now want to change to an equal in Taubmans. I found one but now can't have it because it's not 'standárd'. I just think that Bamboo Cream was a little on the ýellowish cream side and the Hogs Bistle had that more modern tone to it?

SOOOOO over at as well. Just want t get it sorted, as does my lovely color lady I am sure.
OK......clued in now. Sooooo over it ? I believe your every word - the whole process is an absolute pain !!!
I will go with Bernadette's (and bel's who is in the same pickle) suggestions of Moonriver and Pebble Bay, will look at those today.
I also chose Intimate White as it was crisp but soft, so I guess I have to find another STANDARD white as well! Grrrr. Thank you everyone. I will get this sorted TODAY!
None of those are on the list
ggrrrrr again.
How hard can it be to pick a wall colour???

I feel sorry for you!
It's not hard at all but it IS hard when you have a tiny list to choose from and that is all you have. It's soooo ridiculous. Now I have to go to Bunnings with this pathetic list and go through all the colour cards by name and find one that is at least similar to Hogs Bristle. I think I will forget it and stick with Bamboo Cream.....

Had enough.
Well if anything Bamboo Cream sounds nice
themax, Moonriver was on the list
OH YES IT WAS TOO!!!!!!!! thanks bel
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