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“The Block”

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"The Renovators" is doing terribly in ratings. In the first week they couldn't pull close to a million viewers on a single night. Apparently The Block is winning hands down.

I did watch The Renovators last night - will be very interesting to see how those houses turn out on their budgets.

I think everyone is already involved with The Block, we know the personalities etc
I think the ratings could improve as long as they are not in direct competition with them
At least they don't waffle on recapping all the time
I like Tanya and Rod's kitchen the best too. It seems to be the most functional. K & A looked interesting but I couldn't see enough of it in the photo.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm really liking The Renovators on 10 atm.

less crap, more reno/building work, challenges.

I'm not into Top Design, most of their ideas are horrible to me.

Anyone else??

I'm liking The Renovators too - be interesting to see what they can do on limited budgets
The fibro house for a start will need a lot of money spent on it - re-stumping for a start with only around $62K all up??
Also not sure how the whole thing is going to work with eliminations etc
They seem to be more inspiring with ambitious ideas, but time will tell
Actually thought there would already be a thread on The Renovators, nearly started one myself (unless I have missed it)

I didn't catch every single episode but I'm liking what I've seen of The Renovators too and I'm looking forward to the How To Tips
but I'm not sure about the eliminations either
I don't want to see people go and besides which who will be left to finish the houses? Why couldn't they of come up with some kind of points system to choose the winner instead of sending people off the show?

I'm watching Top Design but some of it is too out there for me.
Yep watched a small bit of The Renovators - what a schmozzle having Joanne leave! So now who gets control of her house?

Glad to see Rod and Tanya win last night's challenge on The Block - I would vote for either them or Polly and Waz - simply because they don't take themselves so seriously!!
Just thought I'd add my thoughts as I'm watching The Block for the first time this year and I enjoying it but as I said to my DH it is so obviously "fixed". ie the prize money is carefully spread around because it wouldn't make a good show if 1 couple couldn't finish would it? The couples have all been given TV personalities too. We only see Polly & Waz larking around, Josh & Jenna bickering and the girls shopping and Rod and Tania working hard as a team. Oh yeah....I don't believe it for a moment. But as I said I enjoy the show and like to see the designs because (and I'll whisper this very quietly) they are soooo normal and a little boring - but isn't that how most of us do it too?! PS Who else doesn't believe that the girls spontaneously decided to treat the other ladies to spa day (sponsor freebie provided to the production company!!) and that the lad spontaneously decided to take their tops off and conga down the street - production team making some suggestions for a good TV moment maybe?! Mind you I still laughed coz that's what the show's about.
Who else doesn't believe that the girls spontaneously decided to treat the other ladies to spa day (sponsor freebie provided to the production company!!) and that the lad spontaneously decided to take their tops off and conga down the street - production team making some suggestions for a good TV moment maybe?! Mind you I still laughed coz that's what the show's about.

You think?
I don't know.
Beautiful kitchens, I'd have any one of them!

The houses are looking stunning.

Now I’m hanging out to see the gardens and exteriors…….
Beautiful kitchens, I'd have any one of them!

The houses are looking stunning.

Now I’m hanging out to see the gardens and exteriors…….

I must be old, I didn't like the woodgrain look, reminded of me of a time when all you did was rip that stuff out
I must be old, I didn't like the woodgrain look, reminded of me of a time when all you did was rip that stuff out

Snap - hated it. Also that industrial kitchen table in the girls home looked like scaffold to me too....
I must be old, I didn't like the woodgrain look, reminded of me of a time when all you did was rip that stuff out

Snap - hated it. Also that industrial kitchen table in the girls home looked like scaffold to me too....

I didn't think that was really the girls' style but I didn't mind it as long as those legs could be locked in
It was interesting that the Judges didn't like the induction cooktops - I don't know the demographics for the area - are they all foodies that want to char their capsicums on the stove or people or go for quick heat up meals
Is induction really thought of as sort of inferior or just that the Judges/peope don't know how they good they are or something else?
I liked all the kitchens in terms of style, but loved the girls'! Just gorgeous! And out of the three small rooms, they made the best use of the space. The huge table doubles as prep area, without compromising on practical dining.

I didn't think I'd like the style from the small glimpse in HB, but that didn't show the room to its advantage.
why didn't they judge tonight, or did I miss it!!!

who wins the $5K holiday???
We have to wait until tomorrow night to see who won ... very frustrating!
I hate that we have to wait until tomorrow night! Ripped off.

Who will win the yard/facade challenge? I think Rod & Tania will, followed by the girls. If they give it to you-know-who, I'll know the show is rigged.

Rod and Tina’s back yard looked gorgeous; I would love to spend time in that space.

I think they should win.
Rod and Tania for the yard I think. I hated the girls'. That fire pit thing is a difficult thing to use for something else if a fire isn't your thing. It just fragments the space, when space is it a premium.
Rod and Tania for the yard I think. I hated the girls'. That fire pit thing is a difficult thing to use for something else if a fire isn't your thing. It just fragments the space, when space is it a premium.

I agree ... it didn't really appeal to me at all.

So when is the auction?
Rod and Tania for the yard I think. I hated the girls'. That fire pit thing is a difficult thing to use for something else if a fire isn't your thing. It just fragments the space, when space is it a premium.

I agree ... it didn't really appeal to me at all.

So when is the auction?

I think next Sunday evening (21st) is when the auction will be televised. Presumably the auction happens that weekend.
The auction is on Saturday night. The Blockheads are empaneled until Sunday night. Only registered bidders can attend too.

Glad Rod & Tania won the exterior tonight. They are two of the nicest people there IMO.

I liked Polly and Waz's best but Rod and Tania's was really good as well and I'm happy for them.
Flood zone block - 1 in 100year

General Discussion

Yes it had a house on it. But Melbourne water only wanted something the original size of the existing house. We managed to fit a 45sq house on.

Building on a Block with Large Frontage

Building A New House

Thanks. this looks really nice.

Sloped block in Warrandyte

Building A New House

Any recommendations for builders for a KDRB in North Warrandyte ? Thanks

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