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Ideas on how to remodel front porch

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Our front porch is an eyesore. The front entrance has been built in as the crossover between the main part of the house and the old carport, which is now also a room. The "portico" has been built to help provide shade as the whole area gets very hot. There are also several levels out the front which we would like to create as one even entranceway with decking as we actually have great views from there, but because the original carport room is low (lower than the main house roofline) that makes the roofline and decking options challenging. So we are trying to achieve a new look, a new deck/entrance and shelter from the afternoon sun as it faces west. We are looking for ideas on what to do and estimated cost.
You'd need to provide many more photos, showing the area from different angles to get any meaningful response. Also, tell us whether the driveway is still used?
Hi. Thanks for your response. Do these help?

Sorry, yes, the driveway is still in use, but only really as a visitor/secondary driveway so not all the way to the top.
I'm not a builder, so cost will not feature in my response.

I like your house, as it has a nice charm, and I especially like how the ends of the roof trusses/beams poke out under the eaves. However, I would certainly get rid of that grey-blue portico.

My initial thoughts are to build a steel frame that mirrors the roofline of the old garage as far out as the facade on the house, and all the way across the front of the garage, over the driveway. Inside the frame I would thread stainless steel cables, onto which I would train a deciduous vine, such as a Wisteria or ornamental grape. That way, you'll get shade in spring, summer and early autumn, but get the sun in later autumn and winter. In doing this, you'd need to look at extending the pavers at one level under the frame, with a wide step back down to the original driveway, which remains useable.

Sorry for the rough and ready picture, but I think you'll get the drift.

I'm not a builder, so cost will not feature in my response.

I like your house, as it has a nice charm, and I especially like how the ends of the roof trusses/beams poke out under the eaves. However, I would certainly get rid of that grey-blue portico.

My initial thoughts are to build a steel frame that mirrors the roofline of the old garage as far out as the facade on the house, and all the way across the front of the garage, over the driveway. Inside the frame I would thread stainless steel cables, onto which I would train a deciduous vine, such as a Wisteria or ornamental grape. That way, you'll get shade in spring, summer and early autumn, but get the sun in later autumn and winter. In doing this, you'd need to look at extending the pavers at one level under the frame, with a wide step back down to the original driveway, which remains useable.

Sorry for the rough and ready picture, but I think you'll get the drift.

Really appreciate your getting back to me. Yes, we actually chose the house because it is a bit different with some charm. My husband refers to the beam style as ranch, and they carry on inside the house as well. We think we will need to approach a builder to remove the awful archway, but we need to have some idea of what to replace it with before we do. I dont think we'd considered a vine, I can see it could create quite a feature on the front of the house and also be great for the sun/shade. Thanks for your input.
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