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methodology used in conducting a site survey

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Im about to get a survey done on a rectangular shaped half acre parcel of land in the heart of Ipswich. IT will have the outside boundary defined, as well as 2 internal boundaries (makes up 3 lots). Ive recieved a quote of $4300 to do it from one surveyor. IT seems high to me, as Ive seen other people get surveys in town done for less than $1000 on a single lot of similar shape.

Does anyone know how the cost is calculated? Yes of course, by time, but I mean if you are in the heart of a city, surely the reference markers from which they work are not going to be too far away? Allowing a half hour for each point to point measurement, I cant see that it would take more 4 hours or so.

Also I read somewhere else, that its done by GPS these days? IS that true? I wouldnt think a satellite measurement taken from 120 kms away would be as accurate as an EDM theodolite measurement taken over say 100m?

Anyone know anything about surveying to this degree? Thanks
Seems a bit high for boundary locations so get some more quotes. If you are going to build make sure you get some levels, trees (if any), any other features and service locations.
depending on the GPS system used they are very accurate. A system I am familiar with can use up to 13 satellites to calculate position. It uses both the US satellites and the Russian satellites. Don't forget the other system relies on someone with a steady had to hold the staff!!
depending on the GPS system used they are very accurate. A system I am familiar with can use up to 13 satellites to calculate position.

If that is true, why would a surveyor use anything else? It would have to mean surveying points would be much quicker than using a theodolite, surely?
My surveyor quotes me about $1800-$2200 for a single block to survey depending a lot on the shape and slope on the block plus a few other factors. Pegging the boundaries adds another $300.
He finds his boundaries and AHD levels from datums that have been pegged on nearby street corners not GPS although from what I believe, that is the way of the future as others here have already stated.

If that is true, why would a surveyor use anything else?

mainly because of the cost, the equipment is not cheap. One or two systems for every 10 or so surveyors.
You may find that they are perhaps wanting to cash in on your subdivision?
The survey was eventually completed for $1940. I was there the whole time, so I knew how much work he acutally did (4 hours onsite), and I believe his fees were reasonable, at around $175 p/h for himself, and $50 p/h for his unskilled assistant.

I only found one person who quoted under $3000, most wanted $4000, and the highest quote was $4900.

Most surveyors appeared to me as greedy con artists right up there with the best of them. Caveat emptor as usual!
Shop around and get more quotes, then compare.(after all it is three lots)
Building expert, did you not read my last post? IT implies quite clearly that I did get multiple quotes. In fact I tried every single surveyor in town, and ended up using one who lived in another town altogether!
Brick pier replacement methodology / tips

Renovation + Home Improvement

Just be careful with building stability during construction, that is when the structure may be weakened, refer to your engineering drawings for stability methodology.

Purpose of site survey: boundaries, slope, trees? what else?

Owner Builder Forum

A survey must’ve completed by a certified surveyor. This form part of every DA requirement

Help understanding Boundary Survey and Nail Location

Building A New House

ask the surveyor for clarification would be the logical approach

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