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Advice needed - whether to OB or use a builder

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I would appreciate advice from seasoned experts!

We are about to build - everything is approved and ready to go, but unfortunately (as I'm sure is the case with most people) we are on a very tight budget, and our plans already include leaving several areas unfinished until we have more funds. We've got quotes from different builders, all of which have been way more than we can afford - except for one, who seems like a great guy, understands our situation and has said that to reduce his costs I can bring in my own plumber, electrician, source my own windows, doors, tiles, fittings etc, hire the scaffolding, organize flooring, painting - and he'll still oversee it all. So his cost is less - but of course we will still have a lot of extra expenses.

My other option I'm considering is taking it just that extra step and being an OB. I wouldn't be doing any of the work myself - purely organizing contractors. The issue is that I have 3 small kids which obviously takes up a lot of my time. I came across a company that has a few trades which they supply (concrete work, carpentry and plumbing) and for an extra fee will oversee everything that involves that side including excavation footwork and so forth, so really there's not that much more I'd have to do, than with the builder and it's a bit cheaper, but obviously this way the responsibility and paperwork all fall to me.

I have experience in project management, dealing with tradies, and I love bargain hunting, so if the kids weren't a factor there would be no question about doing it all myself, and I think I would really enjoy it too - but as it stands I think the only way I can really consider it is to palm at least some of the stress off onto someone else.

So what are your thoughts? Any other options I could consider? And (if I wanted to go that option) where could I find other companies that have a group of trades they'll take on and do some of the overseeing so I can at least compare prices? Not especially interested in a project manager, more so someone who is on the job with experience if you get what I mean.

Or am I onto a good thing with this builder?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
First question. Do you need finance to build?
There are not to many options with banks if you need finance and want to owner build. You almost need to have the funds on hand to build it.
If you need finance you may be better going with a builder.

OB'ing is a big responsibility. It certainly consumes much of your brain space, unfortunately so do 3 children. I (we) have 3 young kids, but fortunately my Wife is very supportive. I don't know if being responsible for getting kids off to school and trying to meet with tradies is the best of combo's.
I'm sure plenty of people do mix family responsibility and OB'ing. But it will add another dimension to your day to day stresses.
Not doing any of the work yourself will help but there are still lots of things to deal with on a day to day basis.

Do you have any building experience?
I think you should read my thread! I have two kids, work full time and have nearly had a nervous breakdown!!!!!! If you are in Perth I could introduce to my guardian angel who has single handedly saved us from making a complete arse of the whole project and saved me from breakdown. I was full of vigour and positivity but I didnt have the building knowledge and got ripped off. I too and great with managing a project and tend to get the best out of people but I didnt always understand when I was being ripped off or it took me longer. With our guardian angel (he was our brickie) I now feel we are nearly there ... and we are. But you cant do this by yourself.Chippy is right about funding too ... you need to have that in order if you plan to OB.

I thought it would be like organising a wedding ..... hell I was wrong!
First question. Do you need finance to build?

No, we have private finance

OB'ing is a big responsibility. It certainly consumes much of your brain space, unfortunately so do 3 children. I (we) have 3 young kids, but fortunately my Wife is very supportive. I don't know if being responsible for getting kids off to school and trying to meet with tradies is the best of combo's.

None in school yet, but they're good kids, and used going to meet tradesmen and oversee things for previous work I have been involved in - but of course even the best kids can't be expected to do it all day every day

My husband is dubiously supportive (if there is such a thing) but he is worried about the kids having a grumpy stressed mum - which is why I've agreed to not do the whole thing on my own, and he has agreed that I can consider owner building if someone else is on board.

Do you have any building experience?

Not complete building - but I've done site management for apartments, which involved various rebuilds, trades, repairs etc
I think you should read my thread! I have two kids, work full time and have nearly had a nervous breakdown!!!!!! If you are in Perth I could introduce to my guardian angel who has single handedly saved us from making a complete arse of the whole project and saved me from breakdown. I was full of vigour and positivity but I didnt have the building knowledge and got ripped off. I too and great with managing a project and tend to get the best out of people but I didnt always understand when I was being ripped off or it took me longer. With our guardian angel (he was our brickie) I now feel we are nearly there ... and we are. But you cant do this by yourself.Chippy is right about funding too ... you need to have that in order if you plan to OB.

I thought it would be like organising a wedding ..... hell I was wrong!

I'm sorry you've had such a hard time - glad that you have light at the end of your tunnel.
I'm at home full time - so at least I don't have the added pressure you did, but of course I still want to have a happy family more than a completed house!

Not in Perth

I figure if someone else can provide some experience and help with the overseeing I can manage the rest - but it's hard to know how much the difference in costs will be - everything considered at the end of the day.
And maybe using this builder is a happy medium - helping save costs, but still getting the job done well.

We really have such a tight budget though - that I can't help thinking that every few thousand saved, is a step closer to finishing all the bits we're leaving out, and then (haha) maybe even getting carpet!!
Property management is very different to building. Dealing with one or two trades is very different to knowing when and how to co-ordinate an entire build.
You need to know what you will be doing in a months time so you can order supplies and arrange trades. If you aren't in a hurry to finish it isn't as important but for the build to progress without to much down time you need to be thinking ahead. That is where building knowledge is really helpful.

If your kids aren't in school then you must have your hands very full. Even if they are the best kids in the world they soon get bored with hanging around an unbuilt house.

If all you are doing is co-ordinating the few trades you have mentioned and your builder will tell you when to schedule them to be on site and what you will need to order and when it is needed on site then it should be fairly achievable. The thing that consumes most thought is planning ahead. If you have someone to do that for you, and they are effectively organising you to organise others then you'll be on easy street.

Look forward to your build when you go ahead.
Property management is very different to building. Dealing with one or two trades is very different to knowing when and how to co-ordinate an entire build.
You need to know what you will be doing in a months time so you can order supplies and arrange trades. If you aren't in a hurry to finish it isn't as important but for the build to progress without to much down time you need to be thinking ahead. That is where building knowledge is really helpful.

If your kids aren't in school then you must have your hands very full. Even if they are the best kids in the world they soon get bored with hanging around an unbuilt house.

If all you are doing is co-ordinating the few trades you have mentioned and your builder will tell you when to schedule them to be on site and what you will need to order and when it is needed on site then it should be fairly achievable. The thing that consumes most thought is planning ahead. If you have someone to do that for you, and they are effectively organising you to organise others then you'll be on easy street.

Look forward to your build when you go ahead.

Thanks for your comments - really appreciate it - gives me some things to think about.
i know what doing it on a tight budget does to your way of thinking we couldnt get any tighter if we tried lol if you need the house built quick go with a builder if you have time and take the time to research your stages then go for it but keep in mind if its only saving a few thousand then dont bother as your mistakes will cost you more then that in the end and no matter how prepared you are or how much you research you will make mistakes. add 20% to the total build for mistakes that should cover you. i love obing its been fun and something money could never pay for id definately do it again
Hi, Iam thinking same thing OB or Builder? Really early stages of planning my house, tight budget, so thought we would save some by o/Building? really 20% for muck ups?? when you say you have to finance yourself, does this mean the banks wont lend for Owner Builders? (i know iam clueless)
Hi, Iam thinking same thing OB or Builder? Really early stages of planning my house, tight budget, so thought we would save some by o/Building? really 20% for muck ups?? when you say you have to finance yourself, does this mean the banks wont lend for Owner Builders? (i know iam clueless)

hey brocky 20% will cover you its easy to make mistakes when you have no idea and they can cost you but we never had enough to build in 1st place so we just pay as we go 3 yrs so far but nearly there we own 100% of it chose not to use banks
Owner building if you are not in the business might save dollars but it can cost a lot personally! We have saved an awesome amount of money when we look back and reflect but hell it has taken its toll on life in general. I have learnt a lot and if I had my time again I dont think I would have done it based on what I know now.

There are only two banks who will lend to OB and one of them require you to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the industry.
My 2c worth is it depends if you're in a hurry to move in or not!!! I can see that if you were in a rush to move in it would be super stressful and a bit tricky co-ordinating it all. You also wouldn't really save as much money as you couldn't shop around as much for quotes and you might be stuck accepting a more expensive quote just because he's the only tradie available that fits with your schedule and you can't afford to wait a month for the better value tradie.

I was thrust into this OB lark by my DH who thinks its absolutely awesome and wouldn't do it any other way. Hes doing a fair bit of the work himself and he happily gave me the role of project manager to organise the rest. The main thing I've learnt is that you really need at least a 3 month lead time arranging contractors for each job/stage. It takes forever for them to get back to you with quotes (if they ever do). I usually contact between 10-15 companies for each job and usually get about 5 quotes back. Can be very frustrating when no-one seems to want to do the job because your an ob. We're in a very lucky position that we are living on site (in an old house that will be demolished at the end) and not having to borrow any money, so the longer it takes us the more money we're saving and the better it is for us.

Also consider how far away from your site you'll be living. I think it would be a complete pain in the butt if you lived a fair way away as you really need to be on site quite a lot. Plus if your DH is planning on doing any of the work you wouldn't see him very much.

Thats just my perspective anyway! Good luck with your decision!
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