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Imported smart switches and sockets?

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Hi Folks,

Wondering if anyone has experiences with some of the online companies claiming to have AU-compliant smart switches and sockets. I’m looking at Hidin Tech ( at the moment - presents well, says all the right things... any views?
Those are Zemismart switches they are selling. They are great. But strongly consider flashing them with Tasmota, as you would generally do with Chinese switches. For Zemismarts, you won't be able to flash via OTA.
Thanks - appreciate the advice. I presume the reason for the flash is a security threat concern?

Separately - any advice on certified cheap smart fan controllers? All the ones I've found are $100+ each.
Not only security threat (which I don't think is high), but rather let's say they bring down their servers to some (weird) reason and then all your smart switches stop working. Also, it is much that way slower too as the packets has to go to China and come back every time you hit your switch.

Zemismart has fan controllers in their range:

I checked with the manufacturer Hidintech. The server is from Amazon. So there should be no security thread or such related problem.

I checked with the manufacturer Hidintech. The server is from Amazon. So there should be no security thread or such related problem.

It doesn't matter where they host their servers (most of them are hosted with known Cloud providers). This is more about how they protect the actual code running on top of Amazon infrastructure and what are the risks that they would have to stop running their code (e.g. if Chinese government or some regulator asks them to do so).
Moreover, what kind of data they collect and what they use this data for.
Can some rogue employee sell it to hackers who would get in control of your smart home systems and ask you for ransom (as they store your emails generally too)?

Amazon is just providing infrastructure.
As i known, if the producers want to sell the product in our country, they must pass the data protection policies. If they collect our data against the law, how they can sell their product in our country.
The other part to consider is how long these companies and/or support of these devices will last. When this company EOL's these products in 3-5 years, and they shutdown the cloud server, you will be forced to replace them.

Flashing them with something like Tasmota removes this issue as you can locally control them from a Home Automation product.
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