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Falsified documents applied at the Council - answer to Luxbu

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As for how I didn't know - no one told me they were substituting falsified documents for the Footings and sub structure, - obviously. ....I guess if someone is going to hold up a bank they don't tend to ring up and inform the bank that they are on their way to hold them up..... I guess the people involved in this 'scam' had their reasons for not telling me that they were up to no good.......

Who would expect this sort of alleged Dishonest/corrupt behaviour to go down behind closed doors at their local Council, who are the 'Relevant Authority' who is supposed to care about community and construction safety? Even going to the extent of removing Bushfire Safety requirements in Construction in a High Risk Bushfire Region and still failing to deal with the issue now that it has been brought out into the open?

The Council should be screaming out about it!! ....It seems they know very well that they are to blame and sadly, seem to be used to getting away with such alleged Dishonesty/Corruption. I never knew such dirty dealings went down. Why would anyone expect the 'Relevent Authority', as in the local Council, to do such a thing after they had been through the lengthy and expensive process with an Architect to get a proper Development Authorisation done for a safe home construction?

The Council staff would know that no Development can occur without the proper Development Authorisation so they should not have been dealing in falsified Documents, - and then claiming they have an 'amended Development Authorisation' and never producing it, - should they? The Council also should not have been removing Bushfire Construction requirements as the Council Planning Department know it is a Bushfire zone.......

The falsified plans were given to the Council by a private Building Surveying company who also acts as 'Consultants to Local Government' and one of their Directors has sat in the position of Chairman of the Council's Building Fire Safety Committee for many years- the Council's Building Inspector is also involved in the whole sordid mess and also long term of the Council's Building Fire Safety Committee. So that's your answer to where the falsified documents came from.

This obviously should never have happened as to make such changes (even if they were ever allowed or legal or wanted, which they weren't) would have required a new Application for Development, then Building Consent, then a new Development Authorisation. None of these exist - just the falsified Engineering documents were applied to the Footings and sub structure - via some sort of back door deal, - and you would know that then negates insurance. I'm sure the Council and their Building Surveyor mates know that too. The Council claim to have an 'amended Development Authorisation' - from their Building Surveying friends - which would not have been permitted by Law and has never been produced. It seems they are just hoping that everyone is dumb enough (or possibly corrupt enough) to accept their alleged falsehoods......

Obviously the Council staff then have worked with the builder and passed checks that should never have passed. The Council did not deal with either the Applicant (the Architect) or the property owner when they substituted the falsified Engineering plans which are so bad that anyone who looked at them would just laugh at how bad they are - so one must ask why did the Council do this, and why have so many of their staff been involved or are failing to deal with the sordid mess now??

Why did the Council then pass checks that should never have passed? Why are they refusing to investigate? Why is the Planning and Development Manager refusing to communicate , refusing to meet and says he will only communicate through a Lawyer? Are you getting the picture now? Why would Adelaide's 'most prominent' Building Surveying company do this? Why does no one hold them accountable (yet)? ....Something really stinks here - surely you can see that!!

It's a dirty game. As soon as I identified that something was wrong I spoke out - and have been trying to get help ever since. Now it is obvious that the Development Industry and what has gone on here shows that there are dirty deals, possible negligence, possible corruption, possible Deception and possible incompetence, amongst other things...... The Council need to be held to account , then if they don't want to wear it themselves they could of course try to sue their mates that they worked with. FYI The original Engineering company who allegedly described what has been done as illegal and that 'fr...' did the roof check and never commented on the substituted materials for the posts...or any issues with their sub structure - it was me that noticed something was not right and I spoke out and was then told there was an 'amendment' - which as previously stated was taken in by the Council Planning Department and called a 'minor' amendment which of course it wasn't and anyone who looked at the horrendous falsified documents could see that.

What I have learnt is that everyone is the industry knows these things go down and it's like a secret society as they all back each other. Only the innocent public don't know how sordid it is. Time for a clean out of Councils and the Development Industry.

It looks like you accidentally started a new thread instead of replying to the original, so Ill reply here.

You still haven't answered my two questions about who oversaw the build and how did the builder end up building to the amended plans?

Q1) Who selected the builder and oversaw the works?
a) you
b) someone not yet mentioned

Q2) How did the builder know to work to the amended plans?
a) from the person in Q1
b) the architect
c) you
d) another new person
e) the council
f) you don't know

-edited post to make it clearer-

It looks like you accidentally started a new thread instead of replying to the original, so Ill reply here.

You still haven't answered my two questions about who oversaw the build and how did the builder end up building to the amended plans?

Q1) Who selected the builder and oversaw the works?
a) you
b) someone not yet mentioned

Q2) How did the builder know to work to the amended plans?
a) from the person in Q1
b) the architect
c) you
d) another new person
e) the council
f) you don't know

-edited post to make it clearer-

The system here on Homeone seems to block more than 3 comments by one person to another - hence new thread.

So you are making up new questions - read the comments and discussion already on this thread -the answers are there. If you cannot be bothered doing that, just log off and stop wasting peoples' time.

It seems you want to avoid that , - and return focus to the builder - I have noticed that is a common trait - people avoid the fact that we have the 'Relevant Authorities' as in local Government and Building Surveying companies at the highest level, involving themselves in suspect dealings.....and return to the builder....yet without having proper Authorisation from the level of the 'Relevant Authorities' such as Councils/Local Government, no building construction for homes can occur - perhaps you had better refresh yourself on the Law and Legislation, - please do not attempt to ignore that fact.

It is not just a matter for a builder doing whatever he (or she) wants. In this case, the Council in their role of 'Relevant Authority' have been involved in the substitution of falsified Engineering documents and have worked with the builder to then, as a result, create this illegal, death trap of a home construction.

In summary - The Council, and their Building Surveying friends whom they employ/engage with as 'Consultants to Local Government',.... - who also work a lot for the Local and State Government in South Australia (The Building Surveying company were involved in the construction of the Adelaide Oval, the Adelaide Convention Centre and they certified our very expensive - $2.44 billion dollar Royal Adelaide Hospital ) - so they should know that Engineering Structural Safety and Development Legislation matters, as should the local Council with all of its highly paid staff .....have worked together to put forward and apply falsified Engineering documents to this home construction.

Take note - this answers your question with the Architect as the Applicant for the proper Development Authorisation not being consulted by the Council apparently when it came to substituting falsified Engineering documents just before the start of the construction....and the owner not notified either. Just a 'back door deal' involving the Council staff and their close work mates.

Suspect back door dealings by the 'Relevant Authority' (The Council/Local Government) and their Building Surveyor mates -who are referred to in Council notes as "Our Surveyor". So they have then worked with the builder to create this illegal death trap of a home extension, when, obviously , they should not have done - the builder was not the Applicant, nor should a Council, or a Building Surveying company be involved in dealing with falsified Engineering documents..... and all failing to inform the owner of their antics.
Good luck with it!

I'm not surprised you are having trouble getting people to understand your issues and help you.
NUT BAG - Meds Help
Cumberland Council (NSW) setback requirements

Building A New House

This was on google. Development controls 2.3.1 Front setback D1 New buildings within residential areas shall adhere to a front building line, which is 5.5-6m to the…

Maximum Garage Width - Narrow Lot (Willoughby Council NSW)

Building A New House

Thanks again for this information. If you do hear anything different, would be great to know >

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