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Cupboard door gaps

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I’m building with Henley and the kitchen and vanities were installed last week. Overall look and colorscheme looks nice, but the quality of workmanship is poor. Vanities are showing a ring of white around all the drawers as they were cut too narrow and the kitchen pot draws are badly misaligned. Kitchen cupboard doors also have widely varying gaps. Anyone else have this...and what was the outcome?

Have you asked the builder yet?
I'm not saying this is the answer, but maybe they just put everything together for installation & they haven't yet aligned all the hinges & runners?
I’m building with Henley and the kitchen and vanities were installed last week. Overall look and colorscheme looks nice, but the quality of workmanship is poor. Vanities are showing a ring of white around all the drawers as they were cut too narrow and the kitchen pot draws are badly misaligned. Kitchen cupboard doors also have widely varying gaps. Anyone else have this...and what was the outcome?

+1, ours were all over the place and before handover everything was adjusted. After moving in we got the cabinet makers back in to adjust a few others. Don’t stress too much as the house is still under construction.


As stated above, talk with your builder in the first instance. It’s always hard as a builder having people walk through before they have defected so this may not be an issue.... however, it is probably worthwhile having the defect noted in writing now.

Hope this helps.
Thanks all for your feedback. Gives me a bit of comfort. I sent pics to the supervisor who agreed it wasn’t the best quality work and would be fixed. The island is also skew to the cooktop bench by a few cm (picked up by my independent surveyor) so added this to the list of things need to be fixed up.
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