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External facade colours help!!

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Hi everyone,

I have just recently joined this beautiful forum but I have been reading the posts for a lil while now.

We are in Canberra and starting our build soon. We have just settled for the land.

I have a lot of questions to ask you wonderful people but right now I have a facade which I have finalised for my house but I am unsure of the colours which would fit there... I mean the actua names.

I have read quite a few posts of colour selection but it was quite overwhelming so I thought I’ll share a picture of the front facade and if you guys can help me with the colours.
really appreciate it in advance

someone please reply to my question?
I had the same problem as you. My fear was picking the wrong colours. I went into my colours appointment and told the colour consultant what tones I was looking for and she picked the colours for me. Just remember to go and look at the colours outside in the sun as they look completely different outside. Take lots of photos of display homes that you like the look of as well.

If those are the colours you like in those drawings, take that into your colour appointment to show the consultant. If it's something else, see if you can bring photos of those other colours, or examples of facades with colours you like - they should be professional enough to pick the closest colours in their range for you.
thanks guys. we were able to get into a color selection appouintment andfound our colors.

roof: colorbond basalt
window frames: Monaro windows black matt
garage door: Ironbark decowood
light rendering: Taubman's metal glow
dark rendering: Taubman's ironstone
Wooden cladding: ironbark
matrix claading on alfresco and portico: ironstone
DIY External facade stone cladding

General Discussion

Re my second point – yes exactly. And often it may take additional time if the manufacturer recommends no more than X meters…

Custom build | Facade colours

Building A New House

I'd get the gutters to match your roof and pipes to match the paint - otherwise they become a feature. Nice pick with the paint colours!

Provincial style hone external colours

Building A New House

The Dulux colour consultants are awesome. If you show them the photos they should be able to figure it out for you straight away

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