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Metricon Experience

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Hi Guys,

Please read this before you make a decision to build with Metricon. I would like share my experiences and thoughts with you.

1. Lack of Transparency.
The pricing from Metricon varies a lot, they never have base price on their website.
Different people will get different discounts, I have seen people getting 1% off, 5k off, 2.5k off, 6k or even no discounts. They are all building on the same series of a house. Why everyone is getting different discount? We all know they could always charge you more in other areas such as site cost, custom change, etc.

2. Lack of due care, fairness and responsibility to the client.
Be very careful with the 9 months base price locked terms, I paid my deposit in May 2017, it took them 16 weeks to get the Preliminary contract. I lodged a complaint and I could only get 4 weeks extension in return.

When I reviewed my drawings, I found out they have put two downpipes on the facade which the Metricon website does not have any downpipes in that area at all. I raised my concern, they initially said this is due to the new plumbing regulations. Then I questioned why your website does not reflect this change? This is a misleading information to your customer. Finally, my sales consultant told me, he could remove the down pipes for me by changing the facade and he has done this for one of his clients. I said fine let's do it. Guess what guys? It took Metricon 2 months to get this facade change approval and an additional month just to get the pricing for this change without any proper drawings of this facade change. Hence, make sure you double and triple check your drawings.

Now my CSC told me, I have to pay 2k+ penalties as Metricon can not go start construction in early March due to this facade change. Metricon told me they have already give me 50% off discount on the penalties. I told my CSC, it was Metricon holding up this process, I should not be paying any penalty. No body from Metricon has ever told me, this facade change will take more than 3 months just to get the pricing and it will cause penalties due to the 9 month price lock. If I knew, I would have reconsidered my options.

Is this fair to keep your customer waiting this long and then issue them penalties ?

This house is going to be 700k+ already, it is not about extra 2k in penalties, it is about being reasonable, understandable and fair to your customer. If there is a legit reason for a penalty, I'm more than happy to pay.

3. Be very careful with any custom/structural change
As I mentioned from previous point, be very very careful with custom/structural change, Metricon will cause a huge delay and charge you ridiculous amount of monies. For example, expect 3k+ just to a toilet with a vanity. My sales consultant told me Metricon can do whatever changes I want, but he never told me how long and expensive it will be.

4. Don't be fooled by the 50k promotions
Do not believe the 50k promotions, all pricing are already adjusted for this promotion. People from different promotion will get different pricing during colour and electrical promotion. For the promotion I'm on, I was forced to take Metricon's timber flooring and carpet, otherwise, I will be losing more than 7k of credit. This is purely because the promotion does not allow any credit if I do not choose Metricon's flooring or carpet.

I'm not trying to win everything, I'm only looking for a fair go. When Metricon is going to issue me penalties, I have decided to disclose all the unfairness and how they treated their customers.

Now, I have to go and look for another builder. I have wasted 8 months with Metricon and I hope you guys will never repeat my mistake.

Do not judge a book by its cover. Same theory applies to Metricon too.

Updates: 30th Jan 2018, Metricon has waived the penalty for me. I will ask them to prepare the final contract. Will keep you guys posted. Wish me luck guys.
Great post and about time someone spoke up about Metricons' practices.

We too have been at the mercy of Metricons delays, subjective pricing, error strewn drafting and dubious service levels.

When you compare builders prices, Metricon are actually on the high end - even after incorporating their generous $50k promo.
Punters beware, its just a marketing tactic to draw in the first time builders. And if you opt for one of their swanky Signature homes, expect to pay well above market. Metricon are now angling themselves in the same space as custom home builders so work of around 14-20k per square. How do they make up for the 50k then I hear you ask? Site costs and selections. M's site costs are well above others and you will never get transparent pricing on selections in their studio. Once you begin connecting with others on this forum, you'll soon realise the disparity in pricing. Think, 2x or 3x in some cases and you'll get an idea of the extremes you may see. Yes, for some items such as their standard toilets and basins, there are fixed prices but for everything else, they'll attempt to gouge you.

As for the service, you're in a lose lose situation of email hell as no one picks up your calls. After progressing beyond preliminary contracts, I literally have never received a return call from my Sales, CSC, colours, electric or cabinetry consultant ! The whole process is so drawn out I have no idea how they can hold you to the 9 month period permitted before penalties start to apply. If you get any errors in your drafting, expect to wait for weeks if not months for a rectification. This is even after waiting 3 months for initial drawings.

THESE DELAYS ARE ON METRICON. Not the customer. Yet somehow Metricon deem it fair and reasonable to keep the penalty clock ticking?

Everyone has a different journey, but walk in with eyes wide open people.
I'm so glad I'm not the isolated case here. I totally agree with you.

If I was warned about the potential delays which will cause penalty, I will never agree to this structural changes.

We are talking about our life saving here, how can I give my life saving to someone this unprofessional and unreasonable to their customer ?
We have always thought Metricon is overrated and you gave us the proof of it.
Thank you for letting everyone know about the inside issues..

We are building with Simonds and they are not any less.
We also took their 50K promotion which included the Bush fire upgrades. Our property was announced not in bush fire zone but my CRC decided on our behalf to still go with the upgrade cause its is good for us.

We have debate with her on getting something else.

SS doesn't bother on informing about what's going on in the site. There is no track record till the date that he has called us. Its always us who calls him and book ourselves for inspection.
SS goes on extended leave without informing us and CRC. When asked for the next contact point, was referred to his Manager. Now where is he?? Also on a vacation. Who should I touch base with if I had anything urgent about the site!!!? No apology for that.

They don't take their clients seriously once they get the contract signed.

They are always reluctant on giving any completion/PCI date. We appointed independent inspector and he got out the inspection date from him for 7 Feb.

We were very happy in the beginning but as the time passed seeing how they are treating and delaying our work we are not happy with their service and will not recommend to anyone.

If you have had less hassle building with Simonds, consider yourself as lucky!!::praying::
After a 9 month delay due to a wall being altered, facade not being what we originally selected, Metricon submitting paper work in the wrong estate, misleading pricing and having to do selections again as our paperwork miraculously disappeared. Still after handover waiting for correct appliances...

If it wasn’t for our SM I would have lost my cool a long time ago. Not only did our SM admit our house was the worst planned house he’s ever had, we are still finding surprises which is costing us.

I will never build again after the experience. In saying that, the customer service and initial contract people were the worst to deal with. The house itself turned out ok after all the back and forth arguments. Though I’m still not pleased that we’ve had to pay so much extra after Metricon didn’t correctly compact out driveway, and instead used top soil which caused massive dramas to correct.

I’m still being hounded for a positive review, but I can’t find a reason for it due to our experience, I would like to give our SM the recognition he deserves for having to correct all the issues they arouse. But how can I give a positive review based on the entire experience.

Metricon Glendale 34 Modified
We are building with Simonds and they are not any less.
We also took their 50K promotion which included the Bush fire upgrades. Our property was announced not in bush fire zone but my CRC decided on our behalf to still go with the upgrade cause its is good for us.

We have debate with her on getting something else.

We're building with Simonds and in the Bush Fire region - however even without being in the region we would have taken it.

It saved us trying to sort out fly screens, protective elements on the draft courses, added extra insulation in the roof in the form of sarking, and a range of other elements that we were concerned/going to need.
I am a newbie in construction world. Learning things step-by-step.

After I paid NON REFUNDABLE initial deposit to Metricon, Sales Representative disappeared. No more calls from them. No answer, neither to my email request nor call.

We got 2 quotes when we paid the deposit.
Later I wanted to change my house to a bigger one (2 quote) for what I got an answer of NO. Nothing even has started but there you go, you can not select other home (It was similar one just bigger 34 vs 39).

Before paying the deposit, Sales warned me that promotion will end soon. Once I paid money it stayed there for another 1.5 month. I was paying extra money to keep the base price as land is expected to title after 12 month.

Once I started to compare base price and upgrades it was not going to cost me less even though base price for Metricon was 30-40k less then the competitors. Later I found out that other homes are more expensive (base price) but come with generous inclusions.

Never hurry to pay deposit as they are non-refundable (Metricon), many other builders have it as a refundable option.

Very disappointed and already moving to other builder.
When I reviewed my drawings, I found out they have put two downpipes on the facade which the Metricon website does not have any downpipes in that area at all. I raised my concern, they initially said this is due to the new plumbing regulations.

New plumbing regulations??? That is news to me lol. Did you ask them in writing just what those "new plumbing regulations" were?

Downpipe positions are always nominal, their size and position is determined by the build area's 1:20 Average Recurrence Interval (ARI), the chosen gutter's designated cross sectional area and the roof areas drained. You most probably have el cheapo 115mm slotted quad, the easy and cheap way to increase the roof areas drained to individual downpipes so that downpipe positions are made more flexible is to upgrade to a gutter with a larger cross sectional area.
When I reviewed my drawings, I found out they have put two downpipes on the facade which the Metricon website does not have any downpipes in that area at all. I raised my concern, they initially said this is due to the new plumbing regulations.

New plumbing regulations??? That is news to me lol. Did you ask them in writing just what those "new plumbing regulations" were?

Downpipe positions are always nominal, their size and position is determined by the build area's 1:20 Average Recurrence Interval (ARI), the chosen gutter's designated cross sectional area and the roof areas drained. You most probably have el cheapo 115mm slotted quad, the easy and cheap way to increase the roof areas drained to individual downpipes so that downpipe positions are made more flexible is to upgrade to a gutter with a larger cross sectional area.

I have seen quite a few new builds have these new downpipes, I guess it is the new rule.
There is a Victorian Variation listed under Appendix Part D1 in the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), Part 3 of the National Construction Code (NCC) that removes the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Parts 1 & 2 of the NCC as a Deemed To Satisfy (DTS) requirement for roof drainage installations in Victoria.

The Plumbing Regulations 2008 adopted the PCA in 2008. The PCA at the time of adoption (2004 edition) made no reference to the BCA under the DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

On May 1 2011, the PCA was introduced into the NCC as Volume 3. At was at the time of this adoption that Victoria introduced the variation into the DTS provisions of Part D1 to exclude the inferior BCA as a DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

Victoria has at no time adopted the BCA as a DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

Despite this, numerous project builders have flouted the regulations by using the non compliant laxer BCA provisions which have then been passed by the certifiers who until recently were employed by the builders. I have heard that the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) have in recent times started policing adherence to roof drainage compliance.and this almost certainly will be what the "new plumbing regulations" you were told about referred to.
Great post and about time someone spoke up about Metricons' practices.

We too have been at the mercy of Metricons delays, subjective pricing, error strewn drafting and dubious service levels.

When you compare builders prices, Metricon are actually on the high end - even after incorporating their generous $50k promo.
Punters beware, its just a marketing tactic to draw in the first time builders. And if you opt for one of their swanky Signature homes, expect to pay well above market. Metricon are now angling themselves in the same space as custom home builders so work of around 14-20k per square. How do they make up for the 50k then I hear you ask? Site costs and selections. M's site costs are well above others and you will never get transparent pricing on selections in their studio. Once you begin connecting with others on this forum, you'll soon realise the disparity in pricing. Think, 2x or 3x in some cases and you'll get an idea of the extremes you may see. Yes, for some items such as their standard toilets and basins, there are fixed prices but for everything else, they'll attempt to gouge you.

As for the service, you're in a lose lose situation of email hell as no one picks up your calls. After progressing beyond preliminary contracts, I literally have never received a return call from my Sales, CSC, colours, electric or cabinetry consultant ! The whole process is so drawn out I have no idea how they can hold you to the 9 month period permitted before penalties start to apply. If you get any errors in your drafting, expect to wait for weeks if not months for a rectification. This is even after waiting 3 months for initial drawings.

THESE DELAYS ARE ON METRICON. Not the customer. Yet somehow Metricon deem it fair and reasonable to keep the penalty clock ticking?

Everyone has a different journey, but walk in with eyes wide open people.

The fastest 'service' calls we received from Metricon were when they issued the progress payment invoices with 7 days to pay. We received calls, SMS, & emails on the same day they posted the letters. Their site supervisor told me it was not his job to return customers calls and emails, just to make a call every few weeks to say things were going well. We learnt later they were not going well!
Hi Guys,

Please read this before you make a decision to build with Metricon. I would like share my experiences and thoughts with you. Just give you guys warnings on what to expect from Metricon.

1. Lack of Transparency.
The pricing from Metricon varies a lot, they never have base price on their website.
Different people will get different discounts, I have seen people getting 1% off, 5k off, 2.5k off, 6k or even no discounts. They are all building on the same series of a house. Why everyone is getting different discount? We all know they could always charge you more in other areas such as site cost, custom change, etc.

2. Lack of due care, fairness and responsibility to the client.
Be very careful with the 9 months base price locked terms, I paid my deposit in May 2017, it took them 16 weeks to get the Preliminary contract. I lodged a complaint and I could only get 4 weeks extension in return.

When I reviewed my drawings, I found out they have put two downpipes on the facade which the Metricon website does not have any downpipes in that area at all. I raised my concern, they initially said this is due to the new plumbing regulations. Then I questioned why your website does not reflect this change? This is a misleading information to your customer. Finally, my sales consultant told me, he could remove the down pipes for me by changing the facade and he has done this for one of his clients. I said fine let's do it. Guess what guys? It took Metricon 2 months to get this facade change approval and an additional month just to get the pricing for this change without any proper drawings of this facade change. Hence, make sure you double and triple check your drawings.

Now my CSC told me, I have to pay 2k+ penalties as Metricon can not go start construction in early March due to this facade change. Metricon told me they have already give me 50% off discount on the penalties. I told my CSC, it was Metricon holding up this process, I should not be paying any penalty. No body from Metricon has ever told me, this facade change will take more than 3 months just to get the pricing and it will cause penalties due to the 9 month price lock. If I knew, I would have reconsidered my options.

Is this fair to keep your customer waiting this long and then issue them penalties ?

This house is going to be 700k+ already, it is not about extra 2k in penalties, it is about being reasonable, understandable and fair to your customer. If there is a legit reason for a penalty, I'm more than happy to pay.

3. Be very careful with any custom/structural change
As I mentioned from previous point, be very very careful with custom/structural change, Metricon will cause a huge delay and charge you ridiculous amount of monies. For example, expect 3k+ just to a toilet with a vanity. My sales consultant told me Metricon can do whatever changes I want, but he never told me how long and expensive it will be.

4. Don't be fooled by the 50k promotions
Do not believe the 50k promotions, all pricing are already adjusted for this promotion. People from different promotion will get different pricing during colour and electrical promotion. For the promotion I'm on, I was forced to take Metricon's timber flooring and carpet, otherwise, I will be losing more than 7k of credit. This is purely because the promotion does not allow any credit if I do not choose Metricon's flooring or carpet.

I'm not trying to win everything, I'm only looking for a fair go. When Metricon is going to issue me penalties, I have decided to disclose all the unfairness and how they treated their customers.

Now, I have to go and look for another builder. I have wasted 8 months with Metricon and I hope you guys will never repeat my mistake.

Do not judge a book by its cover. Same theory applies to Metricon too.

Updates: 30th Jan 2018, Metricon has waived the penalty for me. I will ask them to prepare the final contract. Will keep you guys posted. Wish me luck guys.

Check the contract very carefully before you sign. Your experience is good indicator of how they will behave when you are locked in. Things can go wrong and you need to protect yourself. Consider the liquidated damages clause for example. If they are late with completion will $30 / day be enough to cover your costs? In Sydney and Melbourne $150 / day is more realistic. Metricon are very practiced in leveraging their power advantage against customers. The experiences of myself and others documented on this website, I believe, satisfy the ACCC's definition of unconscionable conduct. Buyer beware!
1 year and 4 months on they still haven’t finished my house. Despite a 32 week contracted build period.

Yes that’s right! They are now double what is in the contract.

The whole admin and build has been a case of dealing with Dumb and dumber. I have been through 3 Site managers, 2 construction managers and 1 construction director here in NSW.

At every step of the way, I have had to fight tooth and nail even just to get M to build to BCA.

Who are these other customers that build without a building Inspector i wonder?

You have to stick to your guns and Not be afraid to go to Fair trading of they tell you no.

At each step of the way they are experienced at grinding you down by using tactics like

1) making site appointments then not showing up

2) Issuing progress payments when the work is non compliant or in some cases not even done.

3) telling you they will fix structural defects at a later stage, even in writing, to elicit payment. On the hope that you will forget to check up on it.

4) submitting DA plans to council without providing all necessary information

5) using variable pricing methods for contract variations when you have a fixed price contract in place.

6) Paying tradesmen the lowest amount possible to maximise their profit. This means the work needs re working in many cases.

Do not be me. Do not have regrets with your builder.
I also want everyone to know that Metricon know what they’re doing and are proud to reward their staff for such behaviour with what seems to be an all expenses paid Corporate Trip to Fiji!

Yes, that’s right while our homes are unbuilt, The general manager of Metricon NSW is happy to post on LinkedIn what a great job his senior team have done by giving them a trip to Fiji.

Never truer has the saying been that the fish rots from the head!

The nerve. Companies recognising and rewarding their top performers. What a disgrace. Soon they will attempting to run a business that makes a profit. Don’t these companies realise that their role is to run a non for profit organisation that provides community housing......
The nerve. Companies recognising and rewarding their top performers. What a disgrace. Soon they will attempting to run a business that makes a profit. Don’t these companies realise that their role is to run a non for profit organisation that provides community housing......

Hi Metricon, not liking the feedback?
The nerve. Companies recognising and rewarding their top performers. What a disgrace. Soon they will attempting to run a business that makes a profit. Don’t these companies realise that their role is to run a non for profit organisation that provides community housing......

Hi Metricon, not liking the feedback?

Don't work for Metricon, don't know anyone who has worked for them and don't intend on building with them. Nor do I work in the industry.

What I do know is that the key to many successful organisations is looking after staff. Especially staff who do well. While some of the above crictism in regards to other issues is relevant knocking a business for rewarding and recognising high performing staff is a bit silly IMO. They are a private business and entitled to spend their cash any way they like.

I've built a few times and I am well aware of the pitfuls of building with volume builders and yes they have some questionable practices. But this criticism IMO is a bit over the top.

motivatorater for staff and creates a great competitive working culture.
There is a Victorian Variation listed under Appendix Part D1 in the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), Part 3 of the National Construction Code (NCC) that removes the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Parts 1 & 2 of the NCC as a Deemed To Satisfy (DTS) requirement for roof drainage installations in Victoria.

The Plumbing Regulations 2008 adopted the PCA in 2008. The PCA at the time of adoption (2004 edition) made no reference to the BCA under the DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

On May 1 2011, the PCA was introduced into the NCC as Volume 3. At was at the time of this adoption that Victoria introduced the variation into the DTS provisions of Part D1 to exclude the inferior BCA as a DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

Victoria has at no time adopted the BCA as a DTS provision for roof drainage systems.

Despite this, numerous project builders have flouted the regulations by using the non compliant laxer BCA provisions which have then been passed by the certifiers who until recently were employed by the builders. I have heard that the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) have in recent times started policing adherence to roof drainage compliance.and this almost certainly will be what the "new plumbing regulations" you were told about referred to.

Thanks SaveH2O, good to know all the background details.
The nerve. Companies recognising and rewarding their top performers. What a disgrace. Soon they will attempting to run a business that makes a profit. Don’t these companies realise that their role is to run a non for profit organisation that provides community housing......

Hi Metricon, not liking the feedback?

Don't work for Metricon, don't know anyone who has worked for them and don't intend on building with them. Nor do I work in the industry.

What I do know is that the key to many successful organisations is looking after staff. Especially staff who do well. While some of the above crictism in regards to other issues is relevant knocking a business for rewarding and recognising high performing staff is a bit silly IMO. They are a private business and entitled to spend their cash any way they like.

I've built a few times and I am well aware of the pitfuls of building with volume builders and yes they have some questionable practices. But this criticism IMO is a bit over the top.

motivatorater for staff and creates a great competitive working culture.

Competitive meaning whose made the most profit by gouging customers and delivering substandard work in order to generate higher profits. Yep. Great on them.

Truly, you'd be best leaving people to vent their grievances and not interfering as all its creating if you are or aren't from the company is an additional bad name for them as this is the only thread you've commented in and reads highly ridiculously attempting to excuse as "that's what business is".
The nerve. Companies recognising and rewarding their top performers. What a disgrace. Soon they will attempting to run a business that makes a profit. Don’t these companies realise that their role is to run a non for profit organisation that provides community housing......

Hi Metricon, not liking the feedback?

Don't work for Metricon, don't know anyone who has worked for them and don't intend on building with them. Nor do I work in the industry.

What I do know is that the key to many successful organisations is looking after staff. Especially staff who do well. While some of the above crictism in regards to other issues is relevant knocking a business for rewarding and recognising high performing staff is a bit silly IMO. They are a private business and entitled to spend their cash any way they like.

I've built a few times and I am well aware of the pitfuls of building with volume builders and yes they have some questionable practices. But this criticism IMO is a bit over the top.

motivatorater for staff and creates a great competitive working culture.

I too have no objection to reward performing staff.

On my build and many others they have clearly missed the mark and I see no reason why senior management should be rewarded in this instance.

They may be a private business but like any company they have a corporate responsibility to deliver their builds on time to a satisfactory quality which as we all know at minimum means building to NCC.

It is completely unacceptable for them to do the opposite and reward their management team for it then post pictures on social media that they are proud of their achievements.

For your third post, I suggest you learn to spell and provide some first hand experience about why Metricon should be considered as a builder of choice if you are to be treated with any credibility.
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